
devtesla wrote (edited )

Anything to do with physical media tends to get so much worse over time, it's really depressing. Like there's something of a resurgence of records and cassettes and you can't get a decent one of either of those, they just stopped making them. So yeah probably happening with disks too, at least ones for computers


devtesla wrote

So I went in knowing that this was important and that might have made it easier for me to calibrate my theme brain: the book that the main character's mom bought for him, "How Do You Live?", is like load bearing for the themes of the movie. There was a mini controversy because the Japanese title is just the book's title, people thought the title change was an adaptation choice but it turns out it was a Ghibli creative choice. I haven't read the English translation of the book, though my understanding it's barely a novel, basically a lecture, and is about the importance of liberal arts and finding understanding of the world around you in the cosmos. Lots of passing on education between generations stuff.

So yeah, there's this big hole in the understanding of the movie that basically everyone who hasn't grown up with the book is going to have. I do think even without that there's a few keys to understanding things that can help:

  • The protagonist is very clearly just Miyazaki this time. Other than the specific dead mom stuff, the dad is really just Miyazaki's dad, the childhood is just his childhood, and that's about the time he read "How Do You Live?".

  • It's really really funny to me that he's making it really clear in that all of the stock Miyazaki female characters who show up here are just reflections of his mother. Freud is right again.

  • All of the stuff with the building blocks is both metaphor for creating art and creating political systems. The movie itself is deliberately an assemblage of references, and it is itself a tower like the one the uncle builds.

  • I think it's probably important that while the characters are debating how to make better art, and better structures, and admitting that they'll never create a paradise without human malice, the fascists come in and destroy everything.

Hope this helps a bit, Lol


devtesla wrote

This might ruin it for you, but it's an old Something Awful Forums in joke. The forum they're talking about here is the rules relaxed one where they allow flame wars and goatse

FYAD is the cool place to hang out. You can find most of the cool people there. In FYAD you can just chill and do whatever and totally relax. "Take it easy" is the FYAD motto, for example, that's how laid back it is there. Show up if you want to have a good time. Another good reason to show up is if you want to hang out with friends.

The joke specifically is that you should probably not post in FYAD if you're looking for a good time, Lol.

For better or for worse, a lot of SRS/Fempire/Just Post stuff is wholesomely repackaged Something Awful stuff. This includes the name Just Post itself. I'm not an original puppy


devtesla wrote (edited )

Marvel movies these days are split between senes that look like a multi-camera sitcom, but like, worse, and confusing CGI barf action scenes. The movies drag on and on because the Community writing style has to constantly serve a mass of additional storylines that are purposefully drawn out and aren't allowed to go anywhere. It's a deeply bizzare way to make movies and it not a surprise that's it currently crashing down around them.

The next one, The Marvels, is probably going to tank, which is funny because the premise and look of it actually sounds like it might actually make the superhero sitcom work for once.


devtesla wrote

I'm not using Kagi cause so much about it is cringe (doggo mascot, Japanese name, AI projects) but it's no more than any other online service. Theres tons of online services I use where I know the owner has weird politics. It's kind of unavoidable Lol, tho it was sad to give up basecamp when they fired everyone cause of woke. Maybe that'll happen here?

Theres also a history of services like this that get used in ways the owners don't really intend. Like if you go on Blue Sky rn you'll notice that jack doesn't post there and it's all a bunch of libs with politics that hate jack Lol. This will probably happen with Kagi

For search I'm honestly really happy with ddg, because the most important feature to me is bangs. I know where to find stuff most of the time, I don't need to have a search engine give me happy results. But it is cool that Kagi can do that. And it also has Bangs Lol. So they know what's up!