
devtesla wrote

You probably don't need a front end but yea React is everywhere. Vue is a little saner than react.

I'd go with Django because Python is everywhere. I'm big into php but that's because I'm old.

Postgres is great.

I've never done the basic level server stuff, you can use a service like that handles that. That all sounds right tho.

This poster uses VS Code, which everyone uses now and it's good but like I've said before, IDEs are really nice. Jetbrains....

And yea that's an easy way to make an API but if you're not having external applications interacting with your app you might not need one.


devtesla wrote (edited )

I'm in a state where my vote for president doesn't matter, and I think withholding my vote sends a more powerful message because Biden is unacceptable. I will be voting for candidates I believe in downballot. I do hope he wins, but this is for an extremely narrow band of issues that only matter to me as a relatively well off white gay man. I think you are wildly naive if you believe that he'll be an even acceptable president, and that he won't be followed up by someone worse.

A few things to keep in mind:

The courts in this country are already fucked up beyond repair. It'll suck to lose RBG but she cannot do anything other than write a good dissenting opinion. The Supreme Court is fucked, the lower courts are fucked, it's all complete garbage. The only solution is to dramatically restructure the courts.

A large part of this is because of decisions made during the Obama presidency. He was so unwilling to make any fight against the Republicans that he left a ton of vacancies, and every one of them was filled by Trump without a peep from the Dems. And this is with young appointees, who will be fucking people over for decades. And speaking of RBG, her decision to not step down during a Democratic president should taint her memory, because there's no reason she shouldn't have been replaced a decade ago.

As for the executive branch, many of Trump's worst policies are just continuing things begun under Obama: the militarization of police, the ratcheting up of ICE, the weakening of labor laws. This is partly because Obama is a conservative, and partly because he capitulated reflexively to Republicans. I have no doubt that Biden will do the same, and worse.

The Democratic Party is a waste. It provides no one any safety from the Republicans, enables their worst aspects, and is complicit with horrendous crimes. I cannot actually encourage anyone to vote for them.


devtesla wrote

Companies fuck over their employees very often but it's rarely so clear as signing deals that get you a $12 million bonus and means that your employees won't get promised six figure bonuses. Then, at the point where you'd usually be doing big layoffs, you dare them to quit so you don't have to pay severance. Absolute scum and they'll get away with it.