
devtesla wrote

You're not the only one, lol. That's largely a source material problem, as the manga got indulgent, dense, and hard to follow at this point. The arc had a significantly worse reputation until the anime, where it was slow but at least you had a reasonable chance of actually understanding it. I do love it a lot tho


devtesla OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by toasthaste in anime of the decade by devtesla

lol, I started out with a list of my favorite anime from each year so it ended up as a fairly even spread. here's a breakdown because I'm a big nerd:

2010: 2
2011: 3
2012: 2
2013: 2
2014: 4
2015: 2
2016: 2
2017: 3
2018: 4
2019: 1

so that's a slight trend overall towards older (2010-14) shows vs newer, 13 to 12. in the top ten that's reversed, 2015-19 wins 6 to 4. there's a little concentration in 2017-18, offset by only one show from 2019. nothing significant I feel.

I will say I'm being a weirdo by putting Beastars on the list as that show hasn't even finished airing, but I fucking love Beastars. I knew I was either going to overrate or underrate it by ranking it now so I decided to aim high.