

from the wiki:

jstpst is a place for posting about anything. Posts can be silly or serious. Posts can be effortful or not. Just post it already, because you are funnier and more interesting than you think you are.


It's good to post online. The following things make posting online less good:

  • Explicit or implicit expectations that a post should meet a standard, either of being funny or interesting or positive
  • Expectations of building an audience
  • Real name policies
  • Corporate spaces designed around marketing and engagement

And that's not getting into issues of harassment and hate speech.

We're building the space that we want to post in. It's a place that is moderated for harm reduction and anti-spam, but nothing else. You're free to post things you might not elsewhere, and have interesting and unexpected interactions that teach you more about yourself and others. We welcome you to join us!


wrote (edited )

  1. Yoshi's Island
  2. God Hand
  3. No good games came out in this era so you're good. (that's actually not the case there's Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Vanquish, and the Yakuzas)
  4. DOOM
  5. 2017 was an incredible year, ----> Yakuza 0 <----, Nier: Automata, Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey!!!
  6. Luigi's Balloon World