
devtesla wrote

you can be so lonely (or sad etc) that it's painful. the literal same thing as physical pain!

yeah they're definitely the same thing, when I was Going Through It (TM) I took acetaminophen every few hours and it helped. big part of why painkillers get abused is for emotional pain.

you can't tell people "i'm in pain." it sounds like someone "just wants attention"

having people in your life that you can talk about shit with is like the most important thing. and like it can't just be one person. like yeah you can't just tell anyone that you're pain but you need people you really can do that with


devtesla wrote (edited )

I like to think of two different twitters, the upper case Twitter the company that runs twitter and the lower case twitter that is the actual product.

Uppercase T Twitter is fucked. It's not really about the firings or advertisers leaving, it's that musk bought the company with billions in debt then transferred that debt to Twitter. There's no world where musk cuts costs and increases revenue enough to keep this house of cards up.

Lowercase t twitter has shown itself to be remarkably consistent even as uppercase T Twitter flails. There's a lot of things uppercase T is going to do that will make lowercase t worse: it's going to go down more, it's going to deprioritize accessibility, there's going to be more high profile hacking, there's going to be more spam. I don't think any of that is going to be deadly, though! People still use email even though it has all those problems and more. There's something about the core product that is useful and, more importantly, addictive.

I could be wrong, Musk could truly run it into the ground instead of selling it off. The changes he makes might have more of an effect that I think! But I have a sense that less is going to change, even if blue checks are gone or whatever.

Edit: On verification, I believe it does much less that people think it does. The real problem is less moderation to actually enforce rules against impersonation. It may mean big accounts Post less. But yeah, what keeps people on twitter is less the big accounts and more the general rumbling and gossip so that might be less of a problem that it appears.


devtesla wrote

I love beavis and butthead but it is not unproblematic, mike judge is conservative and the main joke is basically that the world keeps giving useless people like b&b second chances. He's smart enough to filter things through enough layers of like, who is the actual butt of the joke, for things to work, as well as picking targets that can take a joke.

I'm not really out here looking to make sure everything I watch passes an ideological standard, so I'm fine enjoying a conservative thing that's funny. I don't think it's making the world a worse place but it is what it is.


devtesla wrote

Idk if anything I'm saying here will help but it's what I got. When I was going through a tough time the job that helped me out was customer service telephone stuff. And like in the few places I've lived there's always some place that'll hire like anyone to do some bullshit. Like my job hires like random people for "project management" which is really just babysitting programmers Lol. And yeah if you're looking just to save up money to move there's temp work, either through a temp agency or like Christmas seasonal stuff