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neku wrote

theres already a blipcoimn web browser and that's Opera, which is still around, somehow. it also markets itself as the Browser For Gamers. sorry buddy :(

honestly for non-freaks who care a little bit about not submitting to the Google Instrumentality Project firefox works great. i use it on everything. maybe your use case differs enough that you encounter things that I don't, or it performs wildly differently to windows on linux??

its crazy that safari still exists. its basically an apple vanity project. i don't know anyone who uses it on os x or on ios.


devtesla wrote

every browser on ios has to actually be safari under the hood, which is wild


ellynu wrote

props to apple for fighting the chrome menace at the real market: mobile.


neku wrote

i don't have an iphone so that's just funny to me. its like steve jobs saw nobody using safari on os x and was like "on my next operating system nobody can use anything BUT safari. its against the rules. use my browser god damn it"


twovests OP wrote

It's even worse! When iPhones came out there were no third party apps, and Jobs wanted everyone to make websites instead. It was only when third party app stores proliferated that they decided to make their own.


neku wrote

that's so funny. what a visionary. rest in peace


devtesla wrote

well and the people who work at apple thought up that 70/30 revenue split and did a 🤔


twovests OP wrote

I've used Firefox on Windows, Linuxes, MacOS, Android, iOS, iPadOS now, and I don't get it either!!

On desktop I inevitably run into Every Website Breaking, which is fixed by going into a vanilla profile. But all I do are builtin settings (no flags) and normal extensions. Undoing all of those doesnt fix it either. I swear I really tried!

On mobile I just run into UX issues


iya wrote

i only use it on macos when im not plugged into the wall (which is pretty often tbf) because it is a lot more power efficient. but usually i just use firefox