devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in I'm fiancé by devtesla
fiancé dog
devtesla OP wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by neku in I'm fiancé by devtesla
I fucking proposed on the back of a fucking horse carriage tonight what the fuck
devtesla wrote
Reply to Wendy's Training Video Hot Drinks by hollyhoppet
hot drinks
devtesla wrote
Reply to I'm going to post by flabberghaster
U did a post... waow
devtesla wrote
Reply to imagine how much better the internet would be without content mills, especially the ones with computer generated "content" by hollyhoppet
Google should just not list them!!!
devtesla wrote
2fa keys rule, you can unlock your password manager with them
devtesla wrote
thinking of all the weird photoshops people will make with fishing cap jokes
devtesla wrote
why would a zero take up space???
devtesla wrote
weird annoying article, don't think anything they think is going to happen will come to pass!
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in The New Internet We can Expect, Not the One We Want by LG836
The line about communism leading to starvation too was also ?????
devtesla wrote
Reply to me🤓irl by hollyhoppet
Lol I don't even discuss music enough to really understand this meme but I love it
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by Moonside in DSA on the war in Ukraine sucks ass, regrettably by Moonside
There's a distinct pleasure in it.
Glad you're enjoying yourself Lol
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by Moonside in DSA on the war in Ukraine sucks ass, regrettably by Moonside
Appeals to hypocrisy just can't hold candle to the light of principles.
This is making my eyes roll out of my head, I'm sorry Lol. Sorry their statement isn't exactly how you'd say it?
Anyway we've been so close to nuclear war so many times, and saved by a fluke, that I can't share you confidence that someone won't do something moronic and get everyone killed. I understand that NATO protocol is to avoid and escalation like a no fly zone but stupider shit has happened.
devtesla wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by Moonside in DSA on the war in Ukraine sucks ass, regrettably by Moonside
Couple things you seem to not understand:
- Why is someone who opposes war now, when it's difficult, any different from those who opposed war in 2002? It's not like US foreign policy is any different now than it was back then. Equally evil! Come the fuck on.
- Part of the agreement to reunify Germany was a promise to not move NATO east, this clearly wasn't kept. This is an act of aggression and NATO knows this. Putin is crazy for ignoring the billion reasons to not get into this quagmire but isn't not like there's been no poking the bear.
- Cutting off a modern state from global markets through sanctions is essentially an act of war, and results in countless preventable deaths. They're also ineffective, the US has had sanction regimes against multiple states for decades without resulting in regime changes.
Here's the core of what I think your problem is:
What sort of means of opposing powerful states trying to annex weaker ones are you for?
And I don't have a good answer because the foreign policy apparatus is so monumentally evil that we can't trust it to suddenly have the right motives. What can we do? Well if you look outside this single thread at what the DSAIC does, which is protest, fund labor unions helping people in Ukraine, and support politicians that aren't fucking crazy.
That's all. If you want to be mad at the DSA it's not really skin off my back but I don't see the usefulness here
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by neku in DSA on the war in Ukraine sucks ass, regrettably by Moonside
it's online posting snark, Lol. I think it's a weird thing to be snarky about but whatever just post
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by bunnies in DSA on the war in Ukraine sucks ass, regrettably by Moonside
In the specific case of Ukraine, what I'm seeing isn't necessarily that the entire country "needs guns to to defend themselves" and more that Zelenskyy wants more guns to send loads of untrained conscripts into a meat grinder. There's a difference between the government of Ukraine and the working class of the Ukraine, of which the men of the country aren't allowed to leave.
I don't have a solution to this problem but I don't think "let's not funnel weapons into this conflict" is an indefensible position, particularly when you look at everything the US has gotten involved with that go so much worse.
One last thing: NATO membership is something used by western countries to influence domestic policy in countries like Ukraine. Since Zelenskyy came to power, there's been a transformation of Ukraine to low cost labor source for the rest of Europe, causing GDP to crater and lots of people to already leave the country before the war started. This is how NATO has been since its founding. Being anti-NATO is supporting the working class.
I hope this somewhat makes the DSA position more clear? I know that this doesn't truly tackle anything that's horrifying about Russia and is a little bit US main character shit, but it's an American org so it's mostly gonna talk about America.
devtesla wrote
The statement is fine? There's people actively advocating for a no fly zone, not sure why you're acting like it's a distant possibility. There's nothing in that thread that disagrees with that anarchist statement. Not really sure what you're going so hard in here for
devtesla wrote
The good times are here again
devtesla wrote
Reply to Youtube has two types of recommendations: "Videos I have absolutely 0 interest in ever seeing" and "Videos that I watched already literally yesterday" by Jenheadjen
I'm expecting to see the defunctland fast pass video in there for the rest of my life
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Elden Ring straight up does not work on [some] PCs by twovests
the can't even launch problem that people know about has to do with anti-cheat and steam accounts with multi-byte unicode characters, not sure if that applies to you. They mentioned it in a blog post
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in password manager update by devtesla
not sure, but it looks like all my items are there when I go offline
devtesla wrote
Reply to im the greatest gamer in the world by neku
devtesla wrote
Reply to Remember Amazon's videogame, Crucible? They dumped tens of millions into its first real videogame, which was legitimately poised to redefine hero shooters with a lot of interesting features, and then they shut it down a few months later? by twovests
making fun of amazon's gaming failures used to be more fun but they made their first smart strategic decision by publishing Lost Ark, a popular South Korean MMO that's this instant gigantic hit. so rip
devtesla wrote
Reply to the "Submit" button should say post by voxpoplar
this site is four years old and I've never thought of this
devtesla wrote
Reply to woah by ___