
cowloom wrote

could be. it was a hot plate with a single induction element. there are some kitchen supply stores in my area that also sell to regular consumers, so it may not necessarily be unobtainable to the average jane.


cowloom wrote

I wish I had an answer for you, but I doubt going around door to door and asking "are you undocumented and in need of assistance?" would get you anywhere. I would just try to find your local leftist group and see what they're like / if they're any good. Then maybe you guys can investigate conditions in your area and brainstorm ways of reaching out to people. We had decent luck with movie nights plus a discussion afterwards to introduce our organization to people.


cowloom wrote (edited )

I'm lucky to live in a city with a large natural aquifer, so our tap water is very clean. But there are still people here who will balk at drinking tap water, and only buy bottles of water. Meanwhile, I will only open a plastic bottle of water if I'm dangerously dehydrated, and there are no other sources of water available. I'll drink from a public bathroom sink before I create needless plastic waste.