
A dream journal

Shrines to your favorite things

A list of links to your favorite places online

Reviews of stuff! Any kind of stuff! Books to nail polish to your local abandoned warehouse

Any art you have made

A point and click adventure in website form

Tutorials for something you are good at

journal style blogposts

eyemelting conglomerations of gifs

making pages appearances themed around your favorite colors

using your favorite textures from 2002 RPGs as tiling background images

I like to browse random neocities websites you can find some really fun stuff. ribo.zone is one my partner showed me recently which I quite liked.

the world is your oyster in which to Just Post



it's masculinizing to the bacteria because this is funny to me. it eated the t hehehehe

from an anthropocentric perspective mostly it just accidentally gives you appendicitis before it can get to forced nonbinification/osteoporosis. weird how it does that. well actually it has a low probability of giving you a bunch of random diseases. great news for nonbinary plague therians



thank you!

I know a few bacterial pathogens can get through mucus at the very least, and those all have some fun ways of doing so. i know one that chemically alters the mucus around it to be less goopey. heliobacter pylori I believe but this is off the cuff

mucus is stuffed full of commensal bacteria though, and thwy provide quite a barrier to most pathogens. on top of mucus being turbo viscous. its sort of like a peace offering of "here you go microbes, go live here and not on my tissues pleas". many microbes can actually eat mucin so theres a minor arms race between the commensal guys and pathogenic bacteria in that regard

so your mucus is this living microbiome! i say commensal but some evidence points to borderline mutualistic symbioses, too! theres some bacteria in there which seem to have really positive health effects. i love mucus i love microbiota i love bacteria



that genuinely sucks :(

my last day was the 20th but that's because I've been a full-time temp for like, a year, and it was mandatory to put me on break without pay for a month

on the bright side, no work for now + got taken on semi-permanently (grant funded research lol)



Rest in peace bagpipe fella, that's a real shame :(

I usually find somewhere to cry-sing Last Song by Jason Webley as the year turns. Just my little ward against despair.

My stepdad always makes black-eyed peas, collard greens, and cornbread. I am not southern, so it's never really something I've done, but those foods are all great. Maybe I should.



Basically, they go something like SO42– → SO32– →S2O32–, which is broadly endergonic, but there's a ton of different electron acceptors in the vicinity which can essentially create the free energy, and also cycle the sulfur between these different forms. it doesn't get eaten up, just kinda tossed around.

It's not fully worked out the exact specifics of the metabolism, but it's some really weird anoxic stuff! the carbon deprivation is another big thing I don't even fully understand - apparently small amounts of carbon 14 are found in samples but it seems much of that is just because the samples are taken from surface outflow (same with how theres a bit of oxygen there, but almost no actual dissolved oxygen in the deep glacial reservoir)