
Moonside wrote

What's your Japanese learning history been like? I've been thinking of whether to learn German or Japanese next and my main worry with the latter is its writing system, but, I mean, here you are working on it.

I do not worry about getting to the end of literacy if I pursue Japanese, like reading novels and such, but whether I can conceive a route to get there that has some rewards on its own. With French its pretty simple: read a couple pages in a novel and get to progress in story in a daily session, noticing it's getting easier and faster on a monthly basis and so on. I'm kind of wondering how I would set up my routine and when I could realistically expect to have fun playing a game or reading manga in Japanese.


Moonside OP wrote

I have the fannish itch to share it yet I don't know who would be interested in it. A marvelous thing that is impenetrable by design without being least bit pretentious.

Yup! Apparently there are multiple vids being done in parallel so we should be seeing more content more often in the coming next 11 months at least! Not that Tim has anything to apologize for.


Moonside wrote

Personally speaking, carb heaviness is my go to criterion for comfort foodiness and I like to get some vegetables in too at the same go to make a meal feel more substantial. First loading up some carbs as dinner followed by going for a walk - whether long or short - kinda rules as a lifestyle choice. Carbs really seem to help me mellow down and if this counts as emotional eating, it seems still to hold up quite well sustainability wise.

As a concrete recipe, I like spaghetti with classic tomato sauce, especially with butter beans (aka large lima beans), but small variations keep it fresh. I do not respect any notion of authenticity, so take "classic" with a grain of salt. Olive oil, onions, garlic, crushed and pureed tomatoes, wine, vegetable stock (powder is most convenient), herbs and pepper is the basic ingredient list.

The recipe itself:

  1. sautèe onions in olive oil on medium high heat until translucent (with other aromatic vegetables like bell peppers or carrots if you wish)
  2. add tomato paste and stir it to mix it.
  3. Add crushed or minced garlic and continue sautèing them for 30 seconds after which you swiftly mix in a can of crushed tomatoes. (Pro-tip: open the can before mixing garlic in!)
  4. Then add the all the other ingredients save for the herbs and let it simmer on low heat. How long? I do it by ear, so I don't know really. The sauce will look quite different by the time it has cooked long enough and has become thickened by onions that soften and melt into the sauciness. 10 to 15 minutes until I start boiling pasta, I guess.
  5. Pasta boiling is a fine moment to dump dried herbs in too. Fresh ones can go in when you mix pasta and sauce together.
  6. Top the serving on your plate with grated cheese. Parmesan is supposedly delicious and my experience confirms it, but cheese is to a degree cheese here.


  1. Keeping it simple at first and exploring variations one at a time, savoring and appreciating things on their own terms is probably why this has been a staple for so long.
  2. Lima beans are my personal favorite thing to add on this, after adding crushed tomatoes. It's what I like to serve guests. But minced meat, many other beans and tuna work well. These are indeed some of my favorite proteins here.
  3. Olives, hot peppers, eggplants, some mushroom as well. Chanterelles like the aciditiy of tomatoes. Take care with carrots: they are indeed sweet enough to potentially make the whole dish too damn sweet.
  4. A little Worcestershire sauce and a tea spoon of sugar are interesting options as well to bring out some umami flavors. Speaking of umami, there's real unexplored territory imho when it comes to classic tomato sauce. Fish sauce could be marvelous!

Moonside OP wrote

Reply to comment by oolong in What Nihilism Is Not by Moonside

I've only read The Stranger by Camus and not much Existentialism proper, so take this with a grain of salt. Imho Camus wanted to make his own thing with Existentialism, so I would say it's an attempt to overcome nihilism.


Moonside wrote

Various and heterogeneous, from real political ones as de facto supporting US interests, eschatological ones concerning Israel's place in the second coming of Jesus such as with right wing evangelicals, tradition of Zionism proper from The Jewish State of Theodor Herzl forward.

Also, states use whatever bullshit necessary to bolster their actions, Israel is not wholly special in that regard.


Moonside wrote

Reply to comment by devtesla in tiny moon theory by hollyhoppet

The footage, however, is so realistic it's indistinguishable from the real deal if it were attempted. Stanley Kubrick spent a year sculpting a 1:1 scale model out of cheese and his notoriously perfectionistic tendencies led the NASA to think it would have been easier to go to the real moon instead.


Moonside OP wrote

Why I wrote this: social media is a big part of contemporary lives yet I don't really see much in the way how to use it well as an individual, save for fear mongering and counter mongering. I remember /u/devtesla posting an article once on Rihanna's social media use which seemed pretty cool and aspirational and which was pretty much about embracing less.


Moonside wrote

Honestly I am quite technical an user and I really haven't stumbled upon an IRC client that I really like, approximately in the same way as I enjoy using a well-designed toaster. The one I used the longest was the one in Emacs! Discord is kinda pretty ok if you forget about the corporate side.