The end of landlords: the surprisingly simple solution to the UK housing crisis
theguardian.comSubmitted by hollyhoppet
The International Court of Justice has found that Israel’s actions in its war in Gaza fall under the scope of the Genocide Convention. It has issued a series of provisional orders to prevent genocide from taking place.
continent.substack.comSubmitted by hollyhoppet (edited )
ctrl + alt + del
i.imgur.comSubmitted by hollyhoppet
[CW this dives pretty deep into Nazi shit but in a good way] Why Transphobia Is at the Heart of the White Power Movement
thenation.comSubmitted by hollyhoppet (edited )
Rich people actually do have trouble understanding what it's like to be poor
salon.comSubmitted by hollyhoppet
We're Not Better Than This
discourseblog.comSubmitted by devtesla
The Cool Zone
knowyourmeme.comSubmitted by hollyhoppet
Britney Spears calls for wealth redistribution and general strike on Instagram
instagram.comSubmitted by devtesla
Submitted by cute_spider_ni_srsly
Elizabeth Warren Retreats From Medicare for All
newrepublic.comSubmitted by devtesla
Buy in haste, repent at leisure: Klarna is the Uber of payday loans
popula.comSubmitted by devtesla
Elon Musk Hired A Convicted Felon To Dig Up Dirt On The Cave Rescuer
buzzfeednews.comSubmitted by mm_
the new political compass (bad joke do not click)
i.imgur.comSubmitted by hollyhoppet
Shakesville’s unravelling and the not-so-golden age of blogging
theoutline.comSubmitted by devtesla
Obama Upholds In-Office Tradition By Releasing 2019 Summer Kill List
theonion.comSubmitted by neku
Amazon Workers Attempting Walkout Enter 7th Hour Wandering In Ever-Expanding, Labyrinthian Warehouse
theonion.comSubmitted by hollyhoppet
Submitted by hollyhoppet (edited )
Facebook Announces Libra, Digital Currency On The Blockchain That Doesn't Actually Need To Be On The Blockchain
gizmodo.com.auSubmitted by neku