Recent comments in /f/vote_satan
voxpoplar OP wrote (edited )
Reply to joseph biden is literally joseph manderly by voxpoplar
Biden: "You take another step forward and here I am again, like your own reflection repeated in a hall of mirrors."
Manderley: "That makes me one ugly son-of-a-bitch."
neku OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in Lil Nas X Shuts Down Mayor Pete Buttigieg ‘Old Town Road’ Collaboration by neku
If pete buttigieg welcomed me out of the closet I would simply go back in
love to stand in my truth tho
devtesla wrote
The 37-year-old mayor has said that he is a fan of the young rapper’s work and embraced his recent decision to come out as gay. “As a fan, I’m thrilled and inspired to see him standing in his truth as a member of the LGBTQ community,” Buttigieg tweeted. “Welcome to the family!”
voxpoplar OP wrote
Reply to PR guy for sheffield MP resigns by calling his boss "the most disgustingly morally bankrupt person I have ever had the displeasure of working with" on his own twitter account by voxpoplar
archived version for when he deletes it
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in [CW corporate propaganda] Comments are disabled for this video. by hollyhoppet
Oh! No wonder they don't need unions!
flabberghaster wrote
Actually the workers really like it thanks for asking don't ask again.
neku wrote
we live in hell
flabberghaster wrote
Bernie will be cancelled after a Heated Debating Moment i bet
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Bernie Sanders Will Stream on Twitch Before and After the Democratic Debate by hollyhoppet
if he's not playing an auto-chess then i'm not watchin'!!
hollyhoppet OP wrote
yeah but what games is he gonna play?
mm_ wrote
Reply to Cringey Brand Engagement by devtesla
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Cringey Brand Engagement by devtesla
hollyhoppet wrote (edited )
Reply to [cw animal abuse, child abuse, accounts of sexual harassment] Bodies in Seats: Three Facebook moderators break their NDAs to expose a company in crisis by neku
christ... i couldn't manage to read the whole thing but god damn
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in Facebook Announces Libra, Digital Currency On The Blockchain That Doesn't Actually Need To Be On The Blockchain by neku
musou wrote
Reply to Facebook Announces Libra, Digital Currency On The Blockchain That Doesn't Actually Need To Be On The Blockchain by neku
i'm not ready for a world where i get paid in FaceBucks
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Facebook Announces Libra, Digital Currency On The Blockchain That Doesn't Actually Need To Be On The Blockchain by neku
i don't trust like that
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
Reply to Facebook Announces Libra, Digital Currency On The Blockchain That Doesn't Actually Need To Be On The Blockchain by neku
in five years "consumers as a product" is going to be a buzzword.
emma wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Elon Musk Says ‘Hyperloop’ Tunnel Is Now Just a Normal Car Tunnel Because ‘This Is Simple and Just Works’ by hollyhoppet
elon musk thought he was innovative leaving his phallic object behind in thailand, but trans women have been doing that for decades
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Elon Musk Says ‘Hyperloop’ Tunnel Is Now Just a Normal Car Tunnel Because ‘This Is Simple and Just Works’ by hollyhoppet
i was sold on that after the submarine thing
emma wrote
Reply to Elon Musk Says ‘Hyperloop’ Tunnel Is Now Just a Normal Car Tunnel Because ‘This Is Simple and Just Works’ by hollyhoppet
beginning to suspect this guy is a quack
musou wrote
Reply to Chelsea Manning turns into Ben Shapiro by voxpoplar
i wish ben shapiro would get shot in the face while attacking a rival gang's marksman on a water tower
killuminati wrote
skookin wrote
FAT TAILS (Mathematics)
skookin wrote
FAT TAILS (Mathematics)
Presidential_Afro wrote
Reply to joseph biden is literally joseph manderly by voxpoplar
calling him joseph greatly upsets me in a way i cant explain