Recent comments in /f/vote_satan

anand wrote

I go there, this is basically all true. The students are for the most part annoyed with it and I've seen only dislike of the administration. I don't know whether that's just a normal college thing, though, I feel like people hate the administration everywhere.

At the same time, this attracts the big conservative donor money that pays my financial aid so while I'm frustrated I'm not sure fully how to feel about it.


neku wrote

“The effort made by 4mysquad to divide and conquer is clear,” Albright said.

It's Not That Deep. every attempt to depict "Russian propaganda" just makes americans look hysterical over insipid shit when the us govt has done far worse things to other nations, with far worse intentions too

anyway abbreviating the internet research agency to "IRA" means that whenever i read about these chumps all i can think about is this song


Moonside OP wrote

That v real. I noticed once that you could basically buy a bunch of little non-diamond gems for 10$ and checked out a few options on Amazon, I was being bombarded for months with gemstone ads for diamonds, artificial diamonds, zirconiums, sapphires etc. and now I hate gemstones.


Moonside wrote (edited )

It is day 2014 after I decided to further my attempt at assuming a human form by taking up Twitter and now I am demonstrating my human-likeness by enjoying "sportsball", ha! Those fools! There is nothing as stupid as sportsball. The mere thought is tingling my scales. But this is what you need to do to become a senator as my elder Bilderbergsies have told me.


toasthaste wrote

the most visible entities to attempt to reclaim [shithole country] are doing so on behalf those who are being marginalized, rather than stemming full-force from the group whose humanity is at stake

this I think is the crux of the problem. Much like you don't get to forcibly reclaim slurs for other people, if you're not from a place, calling it a shithole has a real different and not-ok vibe. I can see the similarities but I think this is a pretty different thing from people calling themselves "nasty women" etc

on the other hand “nevertheless, she persisted” is dope as hell imo


cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote

Reply to comment by toasthaste in Such a beautiful game by Moonside

in american football, there's supposed to be a line which divides up the players from each team.

in this political comic, there are some democrats who are on the wrong side of this line. I think they're also planning on hitting and running plays for the republicans?? but the refs would shut this shit down right quick because there is basically no way this would fly. this would invoke, like, giant penalties and the coach should really get all the players to understand how to play football.


flabberghaster wrote

Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back twitter.

They really have an inflated opinion of their important in the world IMO. I think this whole "twitter bots swung the election" is just twitter investors trying to make the company seem influential for capitalist reasons. That and democrats trying to explain why their abysmal performance is actually not their fault and more neoliberalism is the right approach.


neku wrote

Reply to DTF by devtesla

if you can't get into the VIP section at the women's march there's always this i guess