Recent comments in /f/transgenderthursday

twovests wrote

The Sonic the Hedgehog who lives in my head said this in Sonic the Hedgehog's voice. I'd like to present that exchange to you:

SONIC: It's Transgender Thursday babyyyyyyy!

TAILS: But I'm not trans, I think-

SONIC: Happy Transgender Thursday!

Jenheadjen OP wrote (edited )

in lighter Transgender Thursday posting, this week i finished reading "Transgender Australia: A History Since 1910" by Noah Riseman. It's a good book! Goes really in-depth. Highly recommend it. So often when queer histories are told it's from a very US-centric lens so i think region specific histories like this are important


rain wrote

A big shout out to you all - you are more than valid, you are awesome and amazing and beautiful. Don’t let the bastards get you down - we were here before them, and we will still be there long after they have been relegated to the dustbin of history.

I love you all