Recent comments in /f/technology

twovests wrote (edited )

I have heard of it, but I'm wary because I see its name on Hackernews-eqsue / freezepeach / libertarian-techy crowds. These are minor "guilt-by-assocation' things though. I think a lot of us vaguely fit some or all of these categories, but it makes me worry it could turn out to be another of the myriad poorly-secured righty grifts.

The head of Kagi was VP of Product for GoDaddy for awhile, and also has ventures in blockchain email and precision drones (for cargo delivery?) These are also just minor flags. (I can't blame someone too much for optimistically heading a blockchain app six years ago.)

All in all, I love the idea in theory, but a search engine is a deeply personal thing that's hard to build trust in. Google is the devil I know, etc etc.


flabberghaster OP wrote

I've wanted to play with one for a long time, but I could not find any when I searched (couple years ago, during a supply shortage) and I did not search hard because I couldn't think of any actual, practical use to justify spending money on one beyond playing with it.

I was thinking of trying to set up a small NAS on it or something but I already have a NAS.


twovests wrote

Me, learning about this for the first time: "Maybe it was a mistake? Maybe they didn't know they hired a cop?"

Their Twitter:

We hired a policeman and it's going really great. Meet our Maker in Residence, @TobyRobertsPi.

Oh no! They don't seem to see the problem. Worse, per the comments, @Raspberry_Pi has been blocking detractors too.

But hey, all cops are bastards, but maybe this person is a reformed officer? Nope, turns out he had a proud 15 years of using Raspberry Pis as a surveillance officer:

“I was a Technical Surveillance Officer for 15 years, so I built stuff to hide video, audio, and other covert gear. You really don’t want your sensitive police equipment discovered, so I’d disguise it as something else, like a piece of street furniture or a household item. The variety of tools and equipment I used then really shaped what I do today.”

I have used Raspberry Pi a lot in various police tactics over the years. They were dependable, low-cost, portable, and supported by such an awesome community.

And then, whoever runs the official Raspberry Pi Mastodon seems to have the maturity of a literal child.

Even with the most generous interpretation to Raspberry Pi, with all the goodwill they built over the years, this definitely burns them for me. Hiring an ex cop who used RPis for covert surveillance