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hollyhoppet wrote

excited for the annoying people who are too afraid to learn anything outside of c to get really mad


nitori OP wrote

I think it's funny to see GNU/Linux get less GNU lol, but at the same time I'm worried about the GPL's influence getting weaker because of this


flabberghaster wrote

Yeah, I really don't like the moves away from GPL type stuff to more corporate friendly software licenses.


emma wrote

famously, ubuntu is revered for deviating from debian and the wider linux ecosystem (snaps, netplan, mir, ufw, apparmor, unity, upstart, etc.), so i'm sure this will be good and won't generate any complaints at all


twovests wrote

I was worried this would replacements like eza or ripgrep which, while excellent and I love them, aren't 1-for-1 replacements for ls or grep.

When I last looked at uutils, it seemed very immature. It's been a few years but even then I'm surprised it's ready enough that it's going to hit the next Ubuntu.