Submitted by hollyhoppet admin (edited )
Submitted by devtesla
Submitted by twovests (edited )
Submitted by twovests admin
Submitted by flabberghaster
Submitted by hollyhoppet (edited )
Submitted by hollyhoppet admin (edited )
Submitted by twovests
Submitted by hollyhoppet
I think the site might be broken, I posted this almost 8 hours ago but it only has 3 up votes so far.
jstpst.netSubmitted by flabberghaster
Submitted by twovests (edited )
Submitted by twovests (edited )
Submitted by nitori
Submitted by nitori (edited )
We should use "Cache-Control: immutable" for every file served that we're sure will never change
bitsup.blogspot.comSubmitted by nitori
Submitted by twovests
Can we have the thumbnail of the third pinned post of f/2hu point to something lol
jstpst.netSubmitted by nitori
Submitted by flabberghaster
There's a 1930s gangster trying to take over the server. Should we do something to stop him?
jstpst.netSubmitted by flabberghaster