Recent comments in /f/killallgames

neku wrote

The revolutionary group your character joins is called libertad, and the Canadian spook you encounter does make a joke about lib-tard; really the only based part of the entire game.



cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote

If you took Peggle or Peglin and stripped out all the gimmicks and flashing lights, then...

well I suppose it would just be upside-down breakout.

But as far as a simple physics game where you're trying to control a chaotic gravity/ball situation, a game that can be quickly intuited by anybody but then when they realize the "gravity" of the task everything becomes much harder, and (again assuming no gimmicks and flashing lights) how quickly I get bored of either? I gotta leave the obvious answer of Peggle and leave it at that.


twovests wrote

Ball-in-a-cup presents an obvious objective with a clear way to obtain it. Crucially, most people can look at it and see what the point is. It has centuries of history and is a craft that someone can replicate it without having to do any research on it. It relies mostly on skill, with most "randomness" being attributed to the inherently chaotic system. It has myriad variations.

I imagine now those myriad, ultra-shitty Game-and-Watch esque games. You know the ones, which can be replicated on the cheapest LCD display the world has to offer.

But which game meets all these factors, while also being so ubiquitous and important? Which videogame has been used as a courtship device, a gambling device, a competitive device, while also being an absolutely leisurely and mindnumbing activity?

Which game deserves the title of Contendor to Ball in a Cup?

It has to be Tetris.


twovests OP wrote (edited )

Yeah :\

The Steam reviews are poor because of performance, and those don't include the people who can't even start the game. But I am happy it works for you on PC though!!

Not sure what the common denominator is. (I'm running this on Windows, I refunded before trying on Linux.)