Recent comments in /f/killallgames
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to metroid dread!!!! by twovests
metroid found dread in miami
hollyhoppet wrote
i had a geforce 6800 with the purple borg guy on the box lol
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Nintendo, Ubisoft announce that we have a glimmer of a chance in this mad awful world. by cute_spider_ni_srsly
this reads like a headline from the hard drive lol
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in on a related note, what's the best in the 2D/isometric area of Sim City games? by twovests
you can't play multiplayer with other mayors over the internet even without the network addon mod lol
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in on a related note, what's the best in the 2D/isometric area of Sim City games? by twovests
does the network addon manager mod allow you to play with other mayors over the internet?
hollyhoppet wrote
if you're ok with something 3d, cities: skylines is kind of the end all be all at the moment.
there's a game called new city that's in early access that's pretty cool and feels like a simcity 2k, but is still pretty In Early Access
honestly the best actual 2d simcity still is probably simcity 4 with the network addon manager mod
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
Pretty sure it's City Skylines or bust, but I could never get into Skylines, so I'd be interested in hearing about another game.
Dogmantra wrote
I like OpenTTD because I like the infrastructure and makin train tracks but that's not really simcity as much as it is... well, transport tycoon.
twovests wrote
Reply to Unboxing the hidden politics of SimCity by hollyhoppet
I love Polygon's videos and I missed this one, thank you for highlighting it :D
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to Ocarina of Time MWEEP% Speedrun in 5:29! by Hexocytic
voxpoplar OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in In 2017 I entered a contest on /r/Unitale to create an Undertale battle with the worst possible control scheme. I won. I have dug it out, updated it a little bit, and put it on Itch for all to "enjoy" by voxpoplar
Yeah originally integrate only undid differentiate and wasn't a win condition. When I updated last week it I decided to add more levels going the other way with integrate. I realised it was much easier so I made it so you had to do it once more than differentiate. It might have been a mistake to let you do something that just lets you avoid the main joke but I also thought it was unsatisfyingly asymmetric before.
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
Reply to In 2017 I entered a contest on /r/Unitale to create an Undertale battle with the worst possible control scheme. I won. I have dug it out, updated it a little bit, and put it on Itch for all to "enjoy" by voxpoplar
This boss is much easier to integrate rather than derive.
Also Tangerine lol
voxpoplar wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in this is a good game that I just watched on youtube by cute_spider_ni_srsly
So the grammatical answer is that you repeat the verb in the negative.
- An rachaidh tú? - Will you go?
- rachaidh - Yes (just the future tense form of the verb go on its own)
- ní rachaidh - No (the future tense form of the verb with the negative particle before it)
You can give more verbose answers as well but that's the most terse way.
What they went with in the game is a bit more verbose to account for the fact that it was presumably not feasible for them to record a negative form of every verb that gets act of the player in the game and dynamically play them back at the appropriate time. It's the sentence "ní dhéanfaidh mé é sin" (I will not do that) said very quickly.
cute_spider_ni_srsly OP wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in this is a good game that I just watched on youtube by cute_spider_ni_srsly
How do Irish people deny unreasonable requests or establish boundries?
voxpoplar wrote
it has an option to set the shouting language to Irish and takes into account that there is no native Irish word for "no" which impressed me greatly
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by emma in this really says a lot about gamers. slide #11 will shock you! by twovests
lucky for you
emma wrote
I do not see slide #11, nor the ten that precede it.
Presidential_Afro wrote
happy usher xbox
neku wrote
thanks usher
voxpoplar wrote
happy easter xbox
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
happy easter xbox
toasthaste wrote
Reply to stand up by hollyhoppet
I could kill that guar. These boots are ruined.
toasthaste wrote
Reply to stand up by hollyhoppet
god it lives so deep in my brain meats
devtesla wrote
Reply to metroid dread!!!! by twovests
excited to dread