Submitted by WRETCHEDSORCERESS in just_post

Happy microbe monday!

Comamonas testosteroni is a funny little guy with a funny little name. It's a bacteria of the Comamonas genus, though it was once called Psuedomonas testosteroni.

It has a lot of interesting things going on, mostly to do with metabolism. For one, it cannot metabolize any sugars except for gluconate and glycerol. It's pentose phosphate pathway is disrupted so it basically can't oxidize sugar. So sad!

Instead it can eat fatty acids, aromatics, random vits of gluconeogenesis byproduct, and the like. Also steroids. It also eats steroids. It can survive on testosterone as its only carbon source actually. It reaaaaally likes to eat androgens in general. Just like my boyfriend for real<3. Oh it also degrades estrogens

One of the big things about it is its ability to break down these chemicals means it can be used in some bioremediation processes. It loves to live in wastewater and can break down some harmful chemicals and even bits of certain types of plastic. It's not well studied but it is super cool! I love its strange little metabolism.

I think we should feed bacterias all our trashes, wastes, byproducts, etc. theyre hungry! and even when theyre not they love to cleave things apart teehee

Once again happy microbe monday!!! Remember that we are macroscopic guests of a microbial world.



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voxpoplar wrote

Wait why is forced masculinization if it eats both androgens and oestrogens. Is it not a menopause bacterium.



it's masculinizing to the bacteria because this is funny to me. it eated the t hehehehe

from an anthropocentric perspective mostly it just accidentally gives you appendicitis before it can get to forced nonbinification/osteoporosis. weird how it does that. well actually it has a low probability of giving you a bunch of random diseases. great news for nonbinary plague therians


twovests wrote

I've told all my friends irl about this