Submitted by WRETCHEDSORCERESS in just_post

Happy Microbe Monday

I am very sick; on my mind it does weigh

I am sick with some manner of rhinovirus

And so today is but a short sheaf of digital papyrus

But I will speak to you of the virus, which, considered as a single particle, is called a virion

I am too sick to rhyme this any more I am sorry. Viruses are funny little guys that infect you and also other stuff too. Okay woops that rhymed. Perhaps my warning was ill-timed. Help me.


viruses are a major contributor to the cycling of ocean microbes. something like 20% of marine bacteria get killed by viruses daily. the ocean is so so so infected and sickly all the time teehee

i dont normally talk about diseases because they bore me but i am so diseased rn. did you know theres like 200 viruses that all just cause colds. many of them arent evenin the same genus. your body has one response and it is making soooooo much mucus you gotta get sooooo slimey its the only way!!!

on genuses. did you know viruses have their own system of taxonomy? its true! the highest taxonomic rank is a "realm" which is very cool. they have their own kingdoms too even!

There are six realms and each is united by highly conserved traits, i.e. genome sequences that are shared between them even through evolutionary weirdness and the like.

the realms are:

Adnaviria, who target archaea! they got a crazy alpha helical capsid protein. its got so many shapes

Duplodnaviria, double stranded dna viruses which use a HK97-fold. this is just like the kotor robot guy???

Varidnaviri, also double stranded dna viruses which use a JELLY ROLL PROTEIN FOLD TECHNIQUE. beware their forbidden techniques... (thank you jane s richardson for the funny name)

Monodnaviria, single stranded dna viruses that encode for HUH endonucleases, the most confused endonucleases

Riboviria, which contains the little bastard that got me. RNA viruses.

Ribozyviria, these incredibly weird little satellite nucleic acids which are soooo submissive and need a helper virus to do anything. coinfection babeyyy

my head hurty too much to keep going.

Be well! Be well! Be well! Happy microbes make for happy mondays but my microbes are so round and gravid with viral particulate rn.



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cute_spider wrote

Feel well soon!

This makes me wonder if / when we'll get a virus that really really likes bucketloads of mucus. Or is mucus just so gross and useless that it can't be taken advantage of?



thank you!

I know a few bacterial pathogens can get through mucus at the very least, and those all have some fun ways of doing so. i know one that chemically alters the mucus around it to be less goopey. heliobacter pylori I believe but this is off the cuff

mucus is stuffed full of commensal bacteria though, and thwy provide quite a barrier to most pathogens. on top of mucus being turbo viscous. its sort of like a peace offering of "here you go microbes, go live here and not on my tissues pleas". many microbes can actually eat mucin so theres a minor arms race between the commensal guys and pathogenic bacteria in that regard

so your mucus is this living microbiome! i say commensal but some evidence points to borderline mutualistic symbioses, too! theres some bacteria in there which seem to have really positive health effects. i love mucus i love microbiota i love bacteria


flabberghaster wrote

I hope your body's various mechanisms for attacking pathogens work soon and you feel better.


twovests wrote

You write with the timing of a good YouTube video. Any unscrupulous Influencer would do well to wade into your posts.

There are six realms and each is united by highly conserved traits, i.e. genome sequences that are shared between them even through evolutionary weirdness and the like.

Like, come on, this is some Gauntlet: Dark Legacy shit. This is some "Super Mario Brothers" stuff. I think this happened in Trauma Center: Second Opinion. Viruses stand for "Video Gamesiruses" I think

This is a lovely post and I hope you are feeling better as of my reading this



thank you! mercifully i am better now — still got a post infectious hacking cough though :(

viruses are indeed a type of video games! i run caves of qud on a fractal lattice of sulfolobus monocaudavirus.

which is really cool btw. the capsid looks awesome and its an archaeal virus. it goes after these super acidophilic thermophilic archaea in hot springs and the like