Recent comments in /f/hobchat

cute_spider wrote (edited )

Imagine a school with no classrooms but infinite cafeterias. Each of those cafeterias has a j08 and a pshower to bully that j08, and thus the school is full up.

Now, imagine one more j08 enters the school. There isn't an available pshower to bully them!

The school's principal, knowing the properties of infinity, has a solution. The principal rewrites each j08's school schedule to place them in the next cafeteria up, freeing up the first cafeteria and pshower_prime to bully this new j08. Now, all of the j08's are being bullied again!


cute_spider wrote (edited )

No I am very upset that my capitulation to the poop vape was immediately met with ridicule. I feel like my attempts to bond with my peer group were sabotaged with a bait-and-switch and I am reminded of similar situations from my upbringing. I feel bitter at each of my ridiculers and especially at five hundred pounds, who I perceive to be an interloper into my group and the ring-leader of this incident. I will probably respond with a withdrawal reaction and seek validation elsewhere.