So I just happened across an upcoming game with a soundtrack by the Steven Universe composers
ikenfell.comSubmitted by metagameface (edited )
play gone home 2: tacoma for free
epicgames.comSubmitted by neku
Necrobarista has Pratchett-style footnotes
cdn.discordapp.comSubmitted by metagameface
Kafka's Metamorphosis makes a great whimsical platformer
rockpapershotgun.comSubmitted by voxpoplar
Submitted by neku
Dolphin Progress Report: May and June 2020
dolphin-emu.orgSubmitted by voxpoplar
Rock, Paper, Shotgun have a bunch of articles recommending various games from The Bundle
rockpapershotgun.comSubmitted by voxpoplar
Dolphin Progress Report: April 2020
dolphin-emu.orgSubmitted by voxpoplar
5 Reasons to Try: Magical Vacation
fanbyte.comSubmitted by Moonside
Developers of your favourite games share what they're most proud of making
rockpapershotgun.comSubmitted by neku
Submitted by Dogmantra
Dolphin Progress Report: February and March 2020
dolphin-emu.orgSubmitted by voxpoplar
Submitted by emma
the fantastic A Short Hike is free on the epic games store this week
epicgames.comSubmitted by neku
‘Kingdom Hearts III’ DLC Developers Panicking After Realizing ‘Shrek’ Not Owned By Disney
ogn.theonion.comSubmitted by Moonside
Classic Video Game Sounds Explained by Experts (1972-1998) | Part 1 | WIRED
youtube.comSubmitted by Moonside
1,200-year-old 'gumdrop' might have belonged to elite gamer at UK monastery
livescience.comSubmitted by Moonside
Wanna have a little visual noveling this Christmas? These queer visual novels are on sale now on Steam.
twitter.comSubmitted by Moonside
In the virtual world of Fallout 76, Gun Runners are making thousands in real-world cash
eurogamer.netSubmitted by neku
Firewatch team’s next game ‘on hold’ as it works on other Valve projects
polygon.comSubmitted by neku (edited )