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neku wrote

this article was surprisingly enthralling. pickleball people seem like tech bros demanding that cities immediately change their existing park infrastructure to suit their whims while tennis and other sport people seem like nimbys who are afraid of change and are unwilling to share. unfortunately i am a fence sitter on the pickleball issue


anethum wrote

wayback link for free article-less folks

did play outside until, like, undergrad college lmao honest. got glasses at age 13, after a bout of eye itchiness made me rub my eyes really, really roughly, which seemingly (hhhh) made my eyesight worse overnight; i was unable to read from the whiteboard the next day. only a -0.75 prescription, though. i do think that it's been quickly worsening through the past three years, though? idk i haven't gotten my eyes retested yet. more comfortable with a -1.00 prescription glasses nowadays


neku wrote

great post. in some ways he feels like a victim of the "we're in the moment space" style of the modern music economy and in other ways a collaborator (for lack of a better term).

i liked aim and ignite back in 2013 though


Dogmantra wrote

Interesting take! I'm not sure I'd 100% agree that the quoted passage is telling and not showing though. Clearly it is telling us a lot about what the character is thinking, but I think for example it also shows us their emotional state super effectively through the long, scattered, run-on sentences, repetition and so on. You can't just show! You have to tell some things to show others, and there is absolutely a depth to the quoted passage.