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nomorepie wrote

Yes! I hope you won't take this the wrong way but I saw someone post on the reddit just post a few days ago, very ornate and well thought out and esoteric posts, and I was like, is that twovests?? Turned out to be someone else alas, a few out there are still carrying the just post torch!!


nomorepie OP wrote

Well sure, I don't know why I had this impression, maybe I was thinking of the UK? Sorry everyone... And I had wrote museums specifically because I saw this post that was like, you don't wanna go to target to shop, you just want to look at things, go to a museum instead. And I was like huh. Were it that going to a museum was cheaper than buying a few knick-knacks here ... Public parks are another topic, which are wonderful ofc :)) in this area my country is doing okay since there are a lot of well maintained and singposted hiking trails. Even if we lack the geographical and biodiversity of the US


neku wrote

in some ways you are lucky that your cringe is not obvious to the people around you. anyone can clock that i'm cringe from the way that i look and talk and exist