Recent comments
rain wrote
Reply to ough... by hollyhoppet
Fascists above stomping you down, the crab bucket below pulling you back in. No way out.
rain wrote
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in ey mellow tony i need some help tonight, capiche? by hollyhoppet
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by rain in Windows is the most trusted operating system in the world. Why not use it for your servers? by twovests
Oh yeah, I am with you on the goofiness :3 (Looking back on my comment, it seemed condescending, oopes)
Yeah, Windows is probably the most trusted operating system :(
So use it for your servers : )
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by rain in ey mellow tony i need some help tonight, capiche? by hollyhoppet
i slept adequately. which is better than bad so i'll take i
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in ey mellow tony i need some help tonight, capiche? by hollyhoppet
i did!
1930sgangster wrote
We can make dis thing happen, but you're gonna owe us a favor, capische?
rain wrote
With just the title I was going to say “no, no I don’t” lol
Hope you ended up sleeping well
rain wrote
Are you hungry or thirsty? Either of these can make your physiology ramp up.
Other than that, I’d recommend to go towards the extremes. Either work yourself tired or meditate until you are still. If you tend to get a lot of exercise normally I would start with meditation, if not get up and move.
rain wrote
Reply to Tired of matching up socks? Throw them all away. Start new, buying one and only one type of sock. Order in bulk! by twovests
I did this when I was in my utilitarian era and it was really nice when I was in a hurry. Eventually though I got tired of having one boring type of sock and picked up some cute ones for a special occasion. 6 months later and I’m back to sock sorting as a chore. C’est la vie.
rain wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Windows is the most trusted operating system in the world. Why not use it for your servers? by twovests
I was being goofy.
It’s really hard to estimate with any precision, but there is roughly an order of magnitude more windows desktops than there are servers and routers combined. If you use “trusted” to mean “relied on for” (even if the people doing so feel they shouldn’t be), then I think by the numbers windows is “trusted” more than any non-mobile platform.
But my original comment was still wrong because of mobile, which would make android the most “trusted” OS.
oh well lol
nomorepie OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Suggestions to get rid of pent up aggression/energy/frustration? by nomorepie
Ah, thank you. I was fearing that. I walk a lot but I don't think it's enough anymore..
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by rain in Windows is the most trusted operating system in the world. Why not use it for your servers? by twovests
Or routers or servers or mobile OSes,
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in A REVIEW OF EVERY PIECE OF FIFTYFIFTY ADVICE POSTED SO FAR by twovests
the "start with one, go to the other halfway through" is more correct is the main thing
twovests wrote (edited )
I hate to say it, but exercise, preferably cardio. The gymbros and fitfluencers were right about this one particular thing :(
I think many, many of my emotional problems were just having - literal - pent up energy. Blood sugar or whatever. Walking and running sweats away the anxiety.
That said, I love getting into fights with strangers online. So it's hard to say
nomorepie wrote
Reply to Tired of matching up socks? Throw them all away. Start new, buying one and only one type of sock. Order in bulk! by twovests
This unfortunately did not work for me, I have two socks of the same material and style that I bought at the same time, but due to the uneven frequency of wearing and washing them, they ended up being different textures, and then I lost one half of a pair and couldn't use the remaining half with the other pair :(
nomorepie wrote
I can't believe my suggestion "Peel it from the bottom" was deemed not very good! That is how they do it in the hospital!!! Taste my blade, twovests
rain wrote (edited )
Reply to Windows is the most trusted operating system in the world. Why not use it for your servers? by twovests
I think you may be technically correct…… the best kind of correct.
Edit: so long as we don’t include mobile OSes?
nomorepie wrote (edited )
Reply to A customer signed up for an account on your website just so they could buy one thing? Sign them up for your mailing list! No need to ask for their permission, they'll love hearing about your new deals every week! by cowloom
I leave a few of these mailing lists running just so if I need a coupon code to buy something from them I'll have it handy but god, they come every day! And clogs up my emails like crazy so having to go in and delete them feels sisyphean and makes me hate the brand low-key even if it's a store I bought from before and liked
twovests wrote
did you get to hit the sack?
nomorepie wrote
Paging /u/1930sgangster
rain wrote
If you roast them to just the right level the aroma has distinct berry notes.
rain wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in what do you think switch 2 cartridges will taste like by missingno
Prank, good Friday night, part of a complete breakfast - You’re the star of the story! Choose from 40 possible endings
rain wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Windows is the most trusted operating system in the world. Why not use it for your servers? by twovests