
toasthaste wrote

Reply to comment by Moonside in Re: toasthaste by cute_spider_ni_srsly

the thing is though, getting the pill into her mouth isn't that hard; she will literally never scratch or bite me, ever ever ever ( ilove her so so so much ;_;) but she seems to have gotten better at spitting the pill back out/keeping it from going down her throat


toasthaste wrote

hmm, it seems like they only have oral flea stuff? which used to be fine, but the last time I tried pilling my cat it was Literally Impossible, idk what changed :<


toasthaste wrote

I don't think people should necessarily have to be [member of X group] before they're allowed to have opinions on [things relating to X group] cause all that means is that you're excluding 1. Members of [X group] who value their privacy, or are closeted, or want to avoid torrents of group-membership-based internet hate should they be public about it and 2. People not in [X group] who are decent enough people to listen when others tell them to stay in their lane.

You are, importantly, NOT excluding people who are shitty enough to just lie and say "yeah I'm a member of [X group]," and in fact making their voices proportionally louder.


toasthaste wrote

it's weird how most animes will make new animation for their intros but digimon is just like "haha naw that costs money"