hollyhoppet admin wrote
Reply to i can't believe "TwitterOS" was a real thing elon musk talked about. lmfao. i was joking. what the fuck. "twitter conversational OS" LMFAO oh my GOD by twovests
i will be talking with jstpst's lawyers about elon musk stealing your intellectual property shortly
hollyhoppet wrote
this idea is amazing lmao
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to hi hello I am still so sad all of the time by toasthaste
<3. took me a really long time to get over a relationship once. like two years. i don't know if i'm fully over it yet tbh. feelings are so Hard
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to "rainbow dash isn't even the hot one," - last known comment on the internet, committed to the TwitterOS Blockchain in 2031 by twovests
this is why i prefer the amazonOS blockchain
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in holly hoppet's hard water take by hollyhoppet
probably yeah
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by neku in mmmmmm tasty slurprprprpp by twovests
what are ya some sort of tea cop?
hollyhoppet admin wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in all my life i've brewed tea with hard water. i just learned the secret to good tea: not using hard water by twovests
anyone caught downvoting shall be banned
hollyhoppet OP wrote
this one's a little weird though
hollyhoppet wrote
this post is gay (keep up the good work)
hollyhoppet wrote
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in where in the us should i move where it doesn't get smoky every summer by hollyhoppet
chicago is on my list actually
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to hacking your 3ds is really easy by oolong
my 3ds is one of the few that the code generator can't make a code for ;__;
i think i can get one of those bootloader cards to do it though and i will one of these days
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in where in the us should i move where it doesn't get smoky every summer by hollyhoppet
i would turn into a puddle
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to action button reviews boku no natsuyasumi by devtesla
it's good
hollyhoppet wrote
"this machine kills fascists... in minecraft"
hollyhoppet wrote
good post
also for some reason i always thought bedrock was c# but c++ would make more sense
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in Meet the Men Paying Five Figures to Get Their Little Piggies to Market—by Having Their Toes Squeezed by hollyhoppet
i'm a stickler for the details
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to Meet the Men Paying Five Figures to Get Their Little Piggies to Market—by Having Their Toes Squeezed by hollyhoppet
i just realized if you're not familiar with the "this little piggie went to market" nursery rhyme this might sound like a weird horny thing ITS NOT
hollyhoppet wrote
come for the posts, stay for the posts
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to rainy weather is wonderful by ___
i agree so much 🌧️😌
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in Cooking tips the elites DON'T want you to know about by flabberghaster
honestly i wouldn't even eat a free papa john's pizza
hollyhoppet wrote
cook your thanksgiving turkey in the microwave. just pop it in there for an hour
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to salt is cool by ___
the tastiest rock
hollyhoppet wrote
i didn't even know a second one had been made! maybe i should check them out
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to macOS Ventura review by emma
i don't like the whole usb device approval thing i think i'm going to figure out how to disable that lol. works like shit when you have anything that's a little unreliable power-wise