ellynu wrote
Reply to excited about music juicero by devtesla
im glad i could inspire this comparison
ellynu wrote
Reply to When you browse Instagram and find former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott's passport number by voxpoplar
should have stolen his identity
ellynu wrote
Reply to is devtesla a pokemon? by hollyhoppet
he's a dog. all of them.
ellynu wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in fucked up that i'm learnin about shenzhen just now by twovests
people be like, oh the fall of rome was in the 400s. and rome is like... exists for another thousand years
ellynu wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in fucked up that i'm learnin about shenzhen just now by twovests
istanbul was constantinople now its istanbul not constantinople been a long time gone, oh constantinople
ellynu wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in The Not So Hidden Israeli Politics of 'The Last of Us Part II' by neku
they could've dug into that more
ellynu wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in The Not So Hidden Israeli Politics of 'The Last of Us Part II' by neku
is the fourth paragraph in the article talking about a different incident of him wanting to do that? if so extra yikes
ellynu wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in The Not So Hidden Israeli Politics of 'The Last of Us Part II' by neku
do you have examples? i'm completely unaware of the things going on around this game
ellynu wrote
Reply to play gone home 2: tacoma for free by neku
buy gone home get gone home 2 for free
ellynu wrote
Reply to wa ha ha by hollyhoppet
ellynu OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in rumors by ellynu
what did u hear
ellynu wrote
all hardware
ellynu wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in what the fuck? you can buy 1 terabyte microSD cards for like $400. What the FUck? What?? these EXIST! by twovests
its on sale for me too for almost half off
ellynu wrote
it means (doob) wafuke
ellynu wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in iPhone SE 2020 review 3: A list of bad things by twovests
what model do you have im curious?
ellynu wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in iPhone SE 2020 review 3: A list of bad things by twovests
if you go to settings -> general -> keyboard you can turn off auto correction. i remember having an ipod touch years ago and i jailbroke it so i could do that and then like a year later they added that ability.
ellynu wrote
Reply to comment by ellynu in iPhone SE 2020 review 3: A list of bad things by twovests
you should also see the return policy on those accessories if you are thinking about returning the phone, i guess the screen protector would be impossible to really return if you used it but hopefully the rest is
ellynu wrote
im on the ios 14 beta and i noticed that drop down menus were switched to work like you expected them to in your first post. just thought i'd share.
ellynu wrote
Reply to get wash dogs 2 for free by neku
ellynu wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in iphone se 2020, day 1 review from someone who has used android exclusively for the past six years by twovests
i've never really liked microsofts' ui design decisions
ellynu wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in iphone se 2020, day 1 review from someone who has used android exclusively for the past six years by twovests
whys that? my parents had windows phones and i never really liked them
ellynu wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in iphone se 2020, day 1 review from someone who has used android exclusively for the past six years by twovests
that makes sense i remember hearing it was secure and that was a thing you brought up at the start so i wondered if that was a lie
ellynu wrote
Reply to comment by ellynu in iphone se 2020, day 1 review from someone who has used android exclusively for the past six years by twovests
also i hate they got rid of 3d touch because i actually liked it. force touch on a link and get a little popup with the image or text or whatever on it without leaving the page. although it is really inconsistent what things use it and where so i can see why its not a great ui feature
ellynu wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in excited about music juicero by devtesla
i'm curious what else is just post canon in the book of just post.