devtesla wrote
Reply to Why do we even have toes by flabberghaster
they help you keep balance while walking. toes are good
devtesla wrote
checking foursquare for toilets and seeing that my bathroom is extremely popular??? and I'm not the mayor????
devtesla wrote
Reply to This is post number 6870. We are 99 posts away from post 6969. Please prepare accordingly by twovests
the funny numbers.......
devtesla wrote
Reply to february…. the tuesday of months by hollyhoppet
I believe in love on Tuesday
devtesla wrote (edited )
Reply to is gone home still good? by toasthaste
my Gone Home love was largely a result of it being so disappointed with Bioshock Infinite and driven so insane by how much that game was adored, that I was utterly transfixed by a game that had all the immersive sim stuff that seemed to be leaving the genre while also being a story about the gays that I connected to. it's so much less fresh now, and its flaws easier to see. the dimensions of the house are complete nonsense and not in a cool way, the game is kind of devoid of style, lots of what it's about is shallow.
but yeah, these days we're four Arkane games deep, Firewatch happened, NITW and Disco Elysium happened, every game has gays and it's cool to hate Bioshock Infinite. not even getting into the Steve Gaynor stuff, we don't need gone home lol
devtesla wrote (edited )
homestuck is a webcomic that grew out of a forum game where someone would draw a starting panel, someone would suggest the next thing that happens, and if the artist liked it they would draw that panel. andrew hussie already did this once with a detective style comic called problem sluth, that grew increasingly out of control into like, magic and space monsters and shit. homestuck started out as the same idea but about cartoon teenagers who have to solve adventure game puzzles to figure out the mystery of what happened to their world and stuff.
hussie eventually stopped taking suggestions and just wrote what he liked, which became increasingly convoluted. you basically can't follow it without checking the wiki over and over. he kept the spirit of audience participation by basically building a little group of fans who would produce work for him to put into the comic (one of these people is toby fox). this eventually ended up with dozens of people working on this increasingly profitable comic enterprise for free, and gave hussie a big ego that resulted in a lot of pretty big issues when he tried to develop games based on the concept, like a ton of miscommunication and delays and thrown out work etc.
but yeah the thing that attracted people to homestuck is that it's about teenagers talking to their friends online about silly crap, which meant teenagers who talked to their friends online about silly crap would talk about homestuck, and make homestuck fan stuff, and then eventually work on official homestuck stuff. it created its own little world and it sucks that it's kind of been in limbo because the creator couldn't manage the beast he created
devtesla wrote
Reply to homestuck ran for 7 years. the finale is reaching its 6 year anniversary. feel old yet? by twovests
no more than usual
devtesla wrote
Reply to holly’s wordle rules by hollyhoppet
I use "penis"
devtesla wrote
Reply to Alright hear me out here... by flabberghaster
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by ellynu in As a software professional who hasn't owned or used a windows machine in probably 15 years... by flabberghaster
it's some security stuff, that you might be able to fix with like a dongle or something if you really wanted to down the line. it also makes the developers happy to not have to support older hardware. and of course it's to push people to buy a new laptop lol
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by ellynu in As a software professional who hasn't owned or used a windows machine in probably 15 years... by flabberghaster
yep, no reason not to stick with it
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in CRYPTOLAND (warning: extremely cursed) by hollyhoppet
it's real as well as a tweet that implied that the island wouldn't have an age of consent
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by ellynu in As a software professional who hasn't owned or used a windows machine in probably 15 years... by flabberghaster
what's yur cpu? I have a Ryzen 3600 and I had to turn on a weird security feature in my motherboard bios to install it
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by toasthaste in As a software professional who hasn't owned or used a windows machine in probably 15 years... by flabberghaster
no, there's too many bugs, but in like two years it'll be an easy recommendation. the settings app is much nicer, it fixed some display switching issues I had, and otherwise it works just like 10
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by emma in As a software professional who hasn't owned or used a windows machine in probably 15 years... by flabberghaster
Lol, its really more a windows mobile thing. a big part of windows 10 was that you could write apps that would work on windows mobile, xbox, and windows pc at the same time. "universal windows platform". it became clear that no one was going to do this almost immediately, with mobile failing and xbox refocusing on gaming
a big part of why windows 11 exists at all is to remove all the stuff tied to uwp
devtesla wrote
Reply to As a software professional who hasn't owned or used a windows machine in probably 15 years... by flabberghaster
"tiles" lmao. a slightly useful idea to put information about what's inside an application into a widget that's used to launch it, but never caught on and devolved into ads in the start menu. removed in windows 11 but they'll probably find some other way to advertise to people
devtesla wrote
Reply to Replay reports: Max Payne still holds up by Moonside
yep, there's a reason Remedy will have my attention no matter what they do
devtesla wrote
Reply to they stole my ape from me by emma
not gonna look up if there's donkey kong nft apes but I know it to be true
devtesla wrote
Reply to i don't know what this is by ash
it's posts
devtesla wrote
Reply to The internet is fake. by flabberghaster
Tim Berners-Lee is wizard
devtesla wrote
I sincerely love batman
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in I'm in talks with Amazon to make them a subsidiary of by flabberghaster
the only website is me, devtesla
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Why do we even have toes by flabberghaster
No!! I don't think so!!!