cute_spider wrote (edited )
Reply to You get so mad when people make generalizations about men. "I'm not like that!" you think, furiously. "What about all us guys who are allies? Why don't we get any credit?" by flabberghaster
It's just so frustrating that dudes do all this shit that make women distrust us ally dudes !!
cute_spider wrote
I can do the second one but oh shit am I interruptible
cute_spider wrote (edited )
Making my bed every morning is a personal depression-o-meter. If I'm making my bed things are clicking, if I'm neglecting that I need to figure out what is getting me down
I cannot let gender into my bed!!
cute_spider wrote
Reply to comment by ___ in i can reliably split my antipsychotic pills into fourths with just my fingers. i feel very powerful by ___
cute_spider wrote
Reply to i can reliably split my antipsychotic pills into fourths with just my fingers. i feel very powerful by ___
do you still have that power after you take the pill?
cute_spider wrote
I've known you for long enough to believe anything you say 💚
cute_spider OP wrote
Reply to You make a joke that you know is wrong by cute_spider
sorry if this one is too real
Submitted by cute_spider in orced_masculinization (edited )
cute_spider wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in you don't wipe your ass by hollyhoppet
🙋♂️ its me
cute_spider wrote (edited )
cute_spider wrote
Reply to Posting is very good lately by nomorepie
Yeah feels like we had an influx of really good posters lately 💚
cute_spider OP wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by cowloom in You drink beer (you do not like beer) by cute_spider
/u/cute_spider liked your comment so much, they have given you an award!
You can see your awards on your user profile.
The award /u/cute_spider presented to you was:
🥈 Peak Millennial
cute_spider wrote
Reply to your gender identity will collapse unless you buy dead animal flesh from a store, grill it, and eat it by cowloom
god help you if you ingest even one soybean
Oh this is good, I could really use God's help rn
Submitted by cute_spider in orced_masculinization
cute_spider wrote
I am going to pee without lifting up the toilet seat but that's just because I plopped down so I didn't manage to do this masculinization.
oh which is good because I also washed my hands so I double-failed this masc
cute_spider wrote
Reply to Youre gonna do a Man Thing! by oneviolence
Yeah no problem, I'm gonna do what I assume my dad expects instead of standing up for myself and doing what I would rather.
cute_spider wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in works of studio Fullbright by devtesla
okay so Toilet Spiders is anti-spider, is that right?
cute_spider wrote
Reply to you think you could totally defeat a grizzly bear in hand to hand combat by 500poundsofnothing
Yeah I think if I could land an early Brainbuster or DDT on the grizzly bear then I could dovetail that momentum into a victory
cute_spider wrote
Reply to What music genres do you all like? by cowloom
They Might be Giants is a genre right?
cute_spider wrote
Reply to if you don't do something productive today, I will make you watch at least 2 platitude-packed "self help" seminars by cowloom
Yeah that sounds perfect I love awful shit like this!
cute_spider wrote (edited )
Reply to Working at the same place for like 20+ years sounds crazzyyyy, I can not imagine the world i am to advance through having any where near that kind of stability by I_got_killed_one_time
I have a living/employment situation that theoretically could work out for 20 years and I am clinging to this like a tick clings to the ass of a pig
edit: plus my job involves education so I don't even feel too much guilt about this
cute_spider wrote (edited )
I did that during the pandemic (the trash people on my street were very sloppy) and it was very therapeutic and nobody confronted me about it
cute_spider wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in *YOU* are going to get PUNCHED!! by oneviolence
Like, are you gonna punch me? I felt really proud of how tough I sounded with that retort and now I think I feel like you've forgotten about me. I feel like this was going to be really cool and badass and now it's awkward and maybe a little pathetic
cute_spider wrote
shibe but unfortunately it should never come back
cute_spider wrote
Reply to comment by oneviolence in Remember the Christian God cannot see below the earth so it doesn't count as murder if it's underground. by flabberghaster
They can see the act but only God can determine murder.