
___ wrote (edited )

well the house and president need to approve it still

but i think that would be nice if it happened

then again i am from a state that does not even use dst so i would not really care but still just out of principle


___ wrote (edited )

the only thing about rust that bugs me are the standard library naming conventions

everything is abbreviated for no reason and it feels really inconsistent lol

it reminds me of C back when functions had a name limit of around 8 characters and we ended up with stuff like asctime and strxfrm and strpbrk. not quite as awful and you do get used to it but, idk


___ wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in holly’s wordle rules by hollyhoppet

i think there are just not that many 5 letter plurals

the entire thing is client side though so you can look at the word list (just scroll down a bit)

i don't know if it actually uses all of those words as the correct solutions though (i would assume it doesn't because a lot of those "words" are very unusual)


___ wrote (edited )

the various nft scams going around that just involve generating a "unique" piece of "art" and selling "ownership" of the resulting jpeg for like 10 eth when in reality they're all just the exact same image but with different "accessories" overlaid onto them. theyre all just one of those avatar makers everyone used in 2012 except people are buying them for like $50,000

a lot of these happen to involve apes for some reason

i think most people associate nfts with apes at this point because they are everywhere and they look like shit lol