Moonside wrote
Reply to whenever i see people being nice to each other on the internet i am reminded of this place by cat
Tbh I don't personally put much value on niceness per se. Pretty direct conflict has its merits! I feel like the culture here just kinda sits on some equilibrium point where we don't have much need to be rude to each other, so the fallout of that end up this place being one of the chillest places on the internet (especially if you use my custom Saturn Valley CSS theme). I do like it here.
Moonside wrote
Reply to action button reviews boku no natsuyasumi by devtesla
Gonna say: I am almost disappointed that this was a long video, again. I was looking forward to watching a two hour one, thinking that Tim had left overperforming in his past. IDK I'm still going to watch it, but I've seen Tokimemo Memorial vid for three times, have no regrets, and yet it feels incredible that I've dedicated 18 hours of my life into a game I'll never play.
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to I resent how lofi hip hop is no longer the perfectly inoffensive aural wallpaper to cover up silence and environmental noise it once was by Moonside
At least I am back to listening Nujabes, but it's too good to be just pure background music.
Moonside wrote
Reply to rainy weather is wonderful by ___
If it's not windy! I agree. Sweet dribble.
Moonside wrote
Reply to comment by neku in cooking tips the elites DO want you to know by hollyhoppet
You may laugh, but for those with a weak grip getting the juice out is a struggle.
Moonside wrote
Reply to someone uploaded a version of Hypercam 2 that gives you the unregistered watermark to the Internet Archive because the official version doesn't any more by voxpoplar
Pausing of an age. Respect.
Moonside OP wrote (edited )
Reply to Gwoss Dispways of Power - Gretchen Felker-Martin on the moral sadomasochism hiding behind displays of purity in social media queer art circles by Moonside
This piece is partially inspired by the recent fallout of Ana Mardoll, but by no means limited to it or commenting on him/xer as a person. (I forgot the proper pronouns, but I want to engage less with them as a person rather than more so mea culpa and w/e.)
Moonside OP wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by neku in So what's a nice way to keep a blog in 2022? by Moonside
So apparently zillion people agree with you since it is a very popular way of running a website. My hesitation about it is that it might be a bit too heavy for my purposes. My project is such that I could go full web 1.0 and full on just write html+css+javascript in a text editor. I could go that route, but I like some modern conveniences such as tags, archives ordered by date and so on.
With the risk of being pretentious, I'm thinking of Samuel Johnson style affair back when he published short essays as two penny sheets. Or something more contemporary like a xeroxed zine.
In the end I think I will research it and Jekyll and see which one I prefer.
Moonside wrote
Reply to comment by neku in I want to buy a domain and have a web server but I have no idea what to put on it. by flabberghaster
I find it amusing that I could just have something that caters pretty much all my streaming needs for cheaper than it costs to upgrade my tech enough to let me watch Netflix on my TV.
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in So what's a nice way to keep a blog in 2022? by Moonside
Yeah it's the ugliness thing that makes me wary of following in your footsteps. That said it would be nice if I could turn my blog in to a ebook, like, instantly.
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to So what's a nice way to keep a blog in 2022? by Moonside
P.S. to see a first hand example of my level of techitude, see my custom styles for - Saturn Valley or something. I use it solely for this site and it imitates the save file and character creation screens of EarthBound. Also, mint green and light blue squares are objectively the most delicious looking background graphic possible. I would sincerely wear a t-shirt based on EarthBound save file and character creations screens!
Moonside wrote
It changed over time. In primary school I was taught animal, plant and fungi kingdoms, with protists and bacteria being outsiders and not classified in any particularway. In high school it was three domains of archaea, bacteria and eucaryotes and eucaryotes contained the three kingdoms of animals, plants and fungi, with allusions made toward the fact that fungi and animals were somewhat closely related. Protists were understood to be a varied group.
That said the messiness of not being a kingdom makes protists more interesting rather than less to me.
Moonside wrote
Reply to 2023 prediction by emma
Honestly my only complaints about BoTW are downstream of it being a children's game (I would have enjoyed a more complex characterization and story but it's understandable given the target audience - even ignoring how, say, Link and Ganon are simplistic in part because they're following the legacy of a series descending from NES era.) Something more successful storywise with similar demographic would be Chrono Trigger so I know it can be done. Actually EarthBound and Mother 3 might fit that bill too!
I expect more from video game stories as time goes on and BoTW had some of the craft in place (e.g. lovely animations and voice acting, especially loved the Rock Dad and princess Zelda). The Twitter user and game designer @docsquiddy has convinced me that most games should be build around stories, but BoTW felt like mechanics, exploration and frankly joy of movement centered title.
Actually it took me a hideous time to understand that gyroscope had anything to do with aiming, I wondered why shooting with a bow was so shaky! So two complaints.
Moonside wrote
Reply to Two types of privacy by Seirdy
When qualifying privacy recommendations with context, I think we should go further than describing threat models: we should acknowledge different types of privacy. “Privacy” means different things to different people. Even a single person may use the word “privacy” differently depending on their situation. Understanding a user’s unique situation(s), including their threat models, can inform us when we select the best of approach. How do we choose between reducing a footprint’s spread and size?
I think this is excellent thought and even if it ultimately the insight can be accommodated within the framework of threat models, it's useful as an architectonic principle. Privacy to me is a cluster concept, covering concerns as varying as state surveillance, confidentiality in therapy and being able to sit on the loo in peace!
That said, I think the central distinction of the piece is stated in terms that could be more helpful:
I highlight two main approaches to privacy: “tracking reduction” and “tracking evasion”.
Approach, I fear, is the wrong term and too general as well. TR and TE seem to be general privacy strategies. Strategy is a term that also avoids an exact definition, but a helpful starting point might be that a privacy strategy would consist of privacy objectives, the ways they can be achieved and the resources employed. Since the ways of undermining privacy are quite similar (the internet is a mostly open platform with often untrustworthy agents that are hyperconnected) and the means (computer software and hardware) are similar, making the distinctions primarily a matter of privacy objectives and secondarily of the other factors seems most prudent to me.
My second concern is how 'data' is employed in the definitions of TR and TE. Reading the main text it seems to me that leaking less data is not the point of tracking evasion, but rather reducing the range of inferences that may be done with, especially avoiding deanonymization. This isn't some monotonically decreasing function of how much data is being collected.
A downstream of this is that distinction between wants and need such as in the passage
In other words, TR falls closer to “wants” on the (somewhat contrived) “wants versus needs” spectrum
mostly loses its force. I block adverts online mostly to avoid malware, which is a low probability threat never-the-less a pain to deal with since I need access to a computer to get my needs met. Very casual means suffice to accomplish this, but it's not a mere want that is out of synchrony with my needs.
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in Shower thoughts I had on a parody of the Fallout series by Moonside
I was trying to mock how falloutiness has descended into empty signifies - mascot acting in a overearnest fashion, oldies on radio, nuclear symbology and literal nukes and everything being radioactive (when in the first two games radioactivity as a present phenomenon plays only a minor role and nuclear power and weaponry, while present, is mostly background), bottle caps as currency.
Moonside wrote
Reply to is summer over yet? by hollyhoppet
Omg I just can't wait for Halloween!
Moonside OP wrote
Inspired by the mind of yours truly, Hbomberguy vids on the Fallout series and getting into the Israel Kamakawiwo'ole's Facing Future (1993) album, which rules BTW.
Moonside wrote
Reply to Stylometric fingerprinting resistance by Seirdy
I appreciate this post!
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in Go-Rasthon++ — a programming language for the new age by Moonside
14,000 thousand dollars? Nice job being poor you fiat worshipper. You could have cashed out by buying a fraction of a Bitcoin which will always hold the value of a fraction of a Bitcoin.
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in I am upset: Dall-e Mini really only works fine for some stuff by Moonside
An idea: AI to figure out which prompts produce good results, trained on Twitter likes and Reddit upvotes.
Moonside wrote
Reply to someone alive when the first candies flavored like a fruit and pressed into a simple shape representing said fruit en masse: "ok this is the end of society". (and they were right) by twovests
You should learn about the strawberries, people knew they were invented and human creations.
Moonside wrote
Reply to AI versus corporate logos by hollyhoppet
I appreciate the dog like hearing the tone but not the substance quality of these.
Moonside wrote
Reply to comment by neku in I just finished Half Life: Opposing Force by yungposter
Honestly I enjoy their position as official fanfics with decent production values. You're generally lucky to get one of those.
Moonside wrote
Reply to comment by ellynu in i don't like guitars by neku
or things that aren't instruments. game boy. hurdy gurdy. singing saw.
You don't want to know what hurdy gurdy hooligans can do.
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to Sacrificial Trash (Or Why We Hated High Guardian Spice) | Sarah Z by Moonside
Remember the great upset of 201X when Crunchy Roll announced their own magical school girl anime? I was there, on the front lines, seeing Fans With Concerns get infinitely mad about a kinda underwhelming trailer for a children's cartoon. (I have the gnawing suspicion that the trailer was actually directed towards actual parents and kids inorder to market CR as a wholesome place for families and not just otaku perverts. It was a silly trailer none-the-less.)
The reasons for upset may have been different than what was openly claimed and once the outrage machine went brrr, it was infinite bad takes on CalArts style that clearly hadn't ever read the original John Kricfalusi essay, smh. That essay was mad petty tho and should be rightly ignored as an old man (old before his time indeed) yelling at clouds.
But one bad cartoon aside, while caring about bad faith art and media criticism has its value on its own terms, this kind of upset is especially worrisome for the possibilities and livelihoods of artists from marginalized groups. The scrutiny and standards applied to them is unfairly high and Sarah Z along with co-writer Emily take on these topics and more on this autopsy of the High Guardian Spice controversy.