Submitted by ___ in yourpersonalblog
how do people do this. this feels like the most vanilla shit ever, i tried to not put pressure on my piercings but i just cannot stay on my back. am i doing something wrong or do i need a bigger pillow or something ???
i feel kind of bad for it but also like, i do hope my pillow is soft enough to not ruin my new holes under my body weight lol
the only thing i can find about sleeping on your back being uncomfortable is various posts from clinics about back pain, but like i don't have back pain it just feels uncomfortable and endlessly boring :/ also i cant roll over to switch sides once my pillow gets warm. are back sleepers just doing the fucking Shuffle like a crab at night or do they just tolerate a warm pillow like freaks ??
I_got_killed_one_time wrote
"sleeping on my back is englessly borning " is one of the more adhd things ive read