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toasthaste wrote

yeah! I just got one of these like 2 weeks ago so i can sleep with ANC earbuds when the upstairs neighbors are stomping around in the wee hours of the got dang morning and it's been helpful.

for her new piercings, my roommate likes the cheaper one she got that looks like a donut with a bite taken out of it (I tried it but I'm so bad at sleeping and needed something more plush). it appears to have vanished from the face of the internet though so idk maybe it was full of poison or something


iya OP wrote (edited )

ok i did always wonder how people slept with earbuds in, this is a good idea actually. maybe i could repurpose my airplane pillow?

though, i already have issues just sleeping with regular earplugs, it fucking hurts so bad when i wake up, or if i wake up in the middle of the night i can't go back to sleep because it hurts. maybe i'm just weird and sensitive, but it's made sleeping in hostels or with a loud roommate absolute hell lol


toasthaste wrote

I've had similar issues with earplugs, including waking up in the middle of the night because they were so painful-- I've definitely found some that were a lot less painful than others (maybe smaller? fancier? unsure) and if you make sure to put them in correctly (lift your ear upwards? i think the plugs usually have instructions) I think it can help. there's also silicone earplugs, which aren't nearly as good at blocking out sound but are different enough that they might not have the pain problem