Recent comments in /f/vote_satan
emma wrote
i want a bernie sanders body pillow
devtesla wrote
when I see a Bernie email I smile and then delete
red_panda wrote
i am once again asking for you to unsubscribe me
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in Why The Fuck Isn't Kobe Bryant A Pariah Yet? by devtesla
Yep! It sounds like they un-suspended her but like... I hate that precedent! And it always seems to be women, too, when corps react like this to one of their employees being dogpiled! Just dogshit upon dogshit
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by toasthaste in Why The Fuck Isn't Kobe Bryant A Pariah Yet? by devtesla
That the wapo gave into a hate mob like this is wildly dangerous for everyone who works there
toasthaste wrote
Reply to Why The Fuck Isn't Kobe Bryant A Pariah Yet? by devtesla
I just learned that a WaPo journalist who tweeted about this got suspended for her efforts :)))) hell world hell world hell world
toasthaste wrote
Reply to Why The Fuck Isn't Kobe Bryant A Pariah Yet? by devtesla
Him being credibly accused of rape and then intimidating the victim out of testifying is like the one thing I ever knew about this dude, I felt like I was taking crazy pills when he died and everyone was real sad about it and no one seemed to be bringing this up. Like I thought I musta been remembering a different celebrity because I just couldn't wrap my head around that reaction.
flabberghaster wrote
Gonna sign up to a monthly subscription for shaving my face in the meantime
Moonside wrote
There's all sorts of theology that's has been appropriated into support for Trump or his policies, like the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This has totally been ignored imho by the political opposition of Trump admin and a big part of younger folks against him are too secular to be familiar with this.
toasthaste wrote
this article itself is really funny and well written
Moonside wrote
They could freshen things up with a new battle royale version
emma wrote
still has the lib dem/ancap colour. typical centrism, smh
twovests wrote
mario colors
emma wrote
Reply to This just came to my mind and I just had to dump it somewhere, DAE remember the cult of Jim Mattis? by Moonside
too many overhyped #resistance heroes for me to keep tabs on, sorry
devtesla OP wrote
Either Warren is naive, or she believes voters to be.
(it's the latter)
neku wrote
i feel like the narrative of "transgender people are so new and freaky!" has ramped up a lot lately. it works just as well as "grandma was from a different time, you can't blame her for being racist!"
emma wrote (edited )
Hillary Clinton's husband poses legitimate concerns for women. Strange how she's silent about that.
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Buy in haste, repent at leisure: Klarna is the Uber of payday loans by devtesla
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Buy in haste, repent at leisure: Klarna is the Uber of payday loans by devtesla
oh rad, I couldn't get that to work
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in Buy in haste, repent at leisure: Klarna is the Uber of payday loans by devtesla
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Buy in haste, repent at leisure: Klarna is the Uber of payday loans by devtesla
oh that's weird, I'll see if I can find an archive
flabberghaster wrote
It's gone!!! 😭
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in This Sure Looks Like Mitt Romney’s Secret Twitter Account (Update: It Is) by devtesla
oh haha that makes sense, appreciation for romney has been restored to zero.
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in This Sure Looks Like Mitt Romney’s Secret Twitter Account (Update: It Is) by devtesla
lol he has an official account that tweets a lot
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by emma in I want Bernie Sanders to stop emailing me by flabberghaster
Same as long as it can't send emails