Submitted by twovests in vote_satan

Hitler died of a gunshot wound to the head, and JFK died when Oswald shot him with a sniper.

I remember growing up with both of these as big "Nobody really knows what happened" marks.

I am but a baby (turning 30 soon). I am embarrassed to ask... Was this just conspiracy theorist stuff? Or did the general public not know for certain how Hitler or JFK died?



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flabberghaster wrote

JFK's death is still contentious. IDK about hitler's.


devtesla wrote

Hitler no, JFK yes. Everyone believes Hitler shot himself towards the end of the world. While the official story is that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, and that host shooter Jack Ruby acted alone, a majority of Americans don't think that's credible (I'm in that majority Lol). There's not really a consensus about what really happened though.


voxpoplar wrote

Alternative theories of JFK’s death, or at least not believing the official story, is very common. Hitler death revisionism is less common but does exist.


twovests OP wrote

"Hunting Hitler" sounds really funny and wacky. This aired on the History Channel? I knew it was going down but I haven't seen it in 20 years. That's really bad


twovests OP wrote

waht if the FBI, CIA, and NSA were sent to kill JFK (too many 3 letter acronyms in the world).

but lee harvey oswald was acting individually to try and cement his name in the history books as a 3 letter acronym. LHO