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twovests wrote

  1. same reaction lol, none of the violent movs i expected happened. makes me feel optimistic about november and even january

  2. his ear didn't even get shot off, he barely bled, and i hear only losers get shot anyways


neku OP wrote

yeah i shouldnt overstate it lol. i do hope he has some visible deformity though because it would drive him fucking insane. a crack in his perfect visage 😭


flabberghaster wrote (edited )

If it had been any kind of POC, a trans person, an immigrant, or anyone even vaguely left of center it'd be a different story I think. But it was just some vaguely conservative school shooter coded guy so there's no hay to be made by them going apeshit over this one.


neku OP wrote

smh the liberal media is constantly downplaying white on white crime. its funny that you can fail to kill donald trump and get the same amount of media coverage as a less successful school shooting would


twovests wrote

i think it's very funny that "he wasn't actually hit" started as something conspiratorial but now seems to be literally the case


neku OP wrote

i havent been keeping track of this one but it doesnt make sense to me. we all saw blood on his face. how did it get there if he wasn't hit slightly? obviously it didnt do much damage, but still.

otoh hes probably been such a total drama queen like ohhh my eaaar 😭😭😭. hes probably so pissed that the national conversation moved on from his attempted assassination in 12 hours and is now shifting toward "actually did this guy even get hit at all". the most beleaguered man in america


twovests wrote (edited )

Oops, I dropped a "plausibly" there; "but now plausibly seems to be literally the case".

"The assassination was a false flag" was always far-fetched, but still plausible, y'know? Trump tried to stay up for the photo-op right after the bullets hit. Is that because it was planned? He's a pretty renown liar.

"The Secret Service is incompetent" is the most likely explanation, because armed security is all theatre. But this is the same Secret Service which erased all their text messages from January 5th and January 6th 2021. I don't think _that's a coincidence, and I don't trust them either.

And now we see his ear and the claimed "2 cm hole" is nowhere to be found. His ear is just fine. Trump won't release medical paperwork. What gives?

Of all the conspiracy theories out there, this is the most plausible one. But "plausible" is a super generous term for something unlikely. I'd still place 99-to-1 odds that

  • The Secret Service was too racist and incompetent to identify the threat,

  • Trump was barely grazed by bullets from a real assassination attempt,

  • He was too stupid and photoshoot-horny to keep his head down when bullets were flying, and

  • Lied about the damage to garner support and foment anger.

... But there's still that 1% chance that new evidence will come out in a year or two, and we'll feel kind of dumb, and conspiracy theorists will rejoice about being right for once for the rest of our lives.

(*edit: i am dropping words left and right babey)