Recent comments in /f/technology

twovests wrote

Me, learning about this for the first time: "Maybe it was a mistake? Maybe they didn't know they hired a cop?"

Their Twitter:

We hired a policeman and it's going really great. Meet our Maker in Residence, @TobyRobertsPi.

Oh no! They don't seem to see the problem. Worse, per the comments, @Raspberry_Pi has been blocking detractors too.

But hey, all cops are bastards, but maybe this person is a reformed officer? Nope, turns out he had a proud 15 years of using Raspberry Pis as a surveillance officer:

“I was a Technical Surveillance Officer for 15 years, so I built stuff to hide video, audio, and other covert gear. You really don’t want your sensitive police equipment discovered, so I’d disguise it as something else, like a piece of street furniture or a household item. The variety of tools and equipment I used then really shaped what I do today.”

I have used Raspberry Pi a lot in various police tactics over the years. They were dependable, low-cost, portable, and supported by such an awesome community.

And then, whoever runs the official Raspberry Pi Mastodon seems to have the maturity of a literal child.

Even with the most generous interpretation to Raspberry Pi, with all the goodwill they built over the years, this definitely burns them for me. Hiring an ex cop who used RPis for covert surveillance


musou wrote

the cultural shift towards ubiquitous CCTV in the 90s and then the rise of cell phone cameras in the 00s paved the way for this new cultural norm of "if you're in public you consent to being filmed", and i absolutely hate it. whenever i'm in a public place i'm worried i will end up in a video like this and not even know it. i know i have a tendency to stick out, in a way that some people like to ridicule, i just thought i had largely left the need to worry about that behind when i finished high school.


neku wrote

I think conflating surreptitiously taking videos of strangers with surveillance sort of normalises it in a way that makes me uncomfortable. Like, I don't like having security cameras everywhere, but those ostensibly are to investigate crime etc etc. These are just creepshots for zoomers

designed to fit a surveillance aesthetic

What, pray tell, is the surveillance aesthetic


twovests wrote

This is horrible, but I also hope these discussions gets us talking about all the other surveillance people perpetuate. Like, downloading apps which wardrive on your phone for wifi networks, giving apps ALL the data of your contacts, cameras on ordering kiosks (???), etc being pretty horrible AND widely accepted.


Seirdy OP wrote

Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Odilia Screen Reader by Seirdy

Yeah, orca isn't too bad tbh; it's just not really great.

It's better than, say, VoiceOver for iOS but that's not exactly a high bar.

On top of that, Chromium and derivatives (including Electron) have really flaky support for the necessary accessibility APIs. You're pretty much limited to GTK, Qt, and Firefox or WebKit2GTK for a good experience.

You know, I used to be on the "webshit bad" train and I still kind of am, but Qt is literally the only alternative to webapps when it comes to making cross-platform internationalized GUIs with good accessibility. Hopefully Odilia's addon and scripting support could improve that situation.


twovests wrote

Oh what the fuck. Literally 40 minutes ago I got a friend to get onto 1password (family) to take advantage of the Valentines Day deal. And now I find out about this.

When I chose a password manager, I discounted Bitwarden because I wanted one I'd never have to fluff around with. I want something "foolproof" if it's going to be so sensitive. LastPass had too many dings on its record, so 1P it was for me.

Does Bitwarden have good offline for modifying items yet? The cryptocoin partnershit would be the dealbreaker if it weren't for this.


neku wrote

since lastpass shit the bed i moved to bitwarden and it's good! i've never actually noticed the little number on the browser extension icon lol.

the only thing that annoys me about bitwarden is that its android firefox integration is kinda funky and for some websites you have to refresh or open and close the more options/kebab menu to get the autofill popup to appear. other than that 10/10 good software i like free things