Recent comments in /f/killallgames
Presidential_Afro wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in imo, nintendo's downfall took its biggest turn when they got rid of miiverse by hollyhoppet
3ds came out when i started college so 2 me streetpass was super good
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in imo, nintendo's downfall took its biggest turn when they got rid of miiverse by hollyhoppet
streetpass was a cool gimmick but i feel like miiverse really had legs
neku wrote (edited )
Reply to imo, nintendo's downfall took its biggest turn when they got rid of miiverse by hollyhoppet
streetpass seemed cool too
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Unwritten | OCC 215 [HM] by devtesla
oops my precious comment was supposed to be for "urgent call from trench" lol. this is just kind of amusing
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in lyrics to green hill zone. gun mention. warning there's swear words by hollyhoppet
yeah i don’t know either i got these from my uncle who works at sega
voxpoplar wrote
what the fuck what the fuck
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Unwritten | OCC 215 [HM] by devtesla
ahahaha holy shit
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in what y'all been playing lately by hollyhoppet
oh yeah taking the 4-6 turns to make a defensive garrison in aow3 has been a bit of a nuisance i've found
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in what y'all been playing lately by hollyhoppet
oh! I also forgot to mention my absolute favourite change from AoW 3 to Planetfall: the militia. Your cities have inherent defenders that spawn if the place is attacked. They're not enough to survive an actual dedicated attack but they're good for stopping random wandering monsters from taking a city because you didn't wanna dedicate time and resources to making units that are just going to stand on the city for the rest of the game.
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in mug that says "don't talk to me until i've had my gaming" by hollyhoppet
oh no i stole BDG's joke without even realizing it this is a great shame
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in what y'all been playing lately by hollyhoppet
there are yeah! there are heroes which have a little more customisation I think, and also spells that are called something like operations, I think the only difference is that the spell points you use in combat and out of combat are different.
twovests wrote
I think you were referring to BDG's Unraveled video in which he commissions such a poster and you can also buy said poster
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in what y'all been playing lately by hollyhoppet
are there heroes and "spells" (or sci-fi equivalent) in planetfall still? was real curious about that since those are kind of central aow mechanics
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in what y'all been playing lately by hollyhoppet
yeah Planetfall has some cool stuff, if you fancy more AoW fun definitely pick it up on sale, the combat is a bit more interesting imo with most stuff being ranged, and it tweaks a lot of things that I didn't know I wanted. I do quite like 3 also! My favourite race is probably the halflings, I like the firework shooters and the farmers that throw chickens :D
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in what y'all been playing lately by hollyhoppet
planetfall looks pretty cool and is on my wishlist, but it’s a bit pricy and i haven’t had a ton of hours this month thanks to the concussion. also kinda in a big fantasy mood atm anyway.
also yeah i don’t know what it is about pso but it really does push the right buttons despite how basic it is
Dogmantra wrote (edited )
Reply to what y'all been playing lately by hollyhoppet
loads of stuff, I managed to get a bit of a jam going where I play old games I never really gave too much time to recently
I beat Lord of the Rings: War in the North three times in a row, once with each character
I finally beat Shadowrun Returns and it was extremely disappointing compared to Hong Kong and especially to Dragonfall which is the best single player RPG ever.
I also got around to finishing Mass Effect Andromeda which was 2.5x longer than it needed to be.
Tried New Vegas again because of Hbomberguy's recent video and thought it was absolutely terrible and time has not been kind to it.
Now I'm playing Phantasy Star Online (offline obvs) on my Gamecube and folks lemme tell you I don't understand why I keep coming back to it, it's very shallow, but I'm really invested in seeing bits of the game I never saw when I played as a kid, so.
EDIT: oh I also finally got around to beating all the Warcraft 3 campaigns during this time too. Warcraft 3 is great and I love it. Also Hoppet have you tried Age of Wonders Planetfall? I think it did some really nice things with the same basic formula of 3 and I keep meaning to go back to it.
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by hitto in what y'all been playing lately by hollyhoppet
never played iii but i really should some day
iv was always one of my favorites just for its decent examination of empire and the combat system
hitto wrote
Reply to what y'all been playing lately by hollyhoppet
On a whim, I started replaying of Breath of Fire III. It holds up surprisingly well in some ways, and not at all in others, but in any case Balio and Sunder continue to be my favorite furry himbo villains.
Fangren wrote
Reply to what y'all been playing lately by hollyhoppet
Among Us and Civ 6.
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote (edited )
Reply to what y'all been playing lately by hollyhoppet
I've let myself get sucked back into the F2P machinations of MTG:A
It's such a nice game for the first few weeks when you just have junky beginner decks, but then when you start building up real decks it uses up your soul
twovests wrote
Reply to what y'all been playing lately by hollyhoppet
Project Winter, it's in the same vein of Among Us (hidden-roles videogame) but much deeper, longer rounds, much funner IMO.
I got back into Hearthstone for a promotion and it's alright but I refuse to buy Cards
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in what y'all been playing lately by hollyhoppet
yeah just today!
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in what y'all been playing lately by hollyhoppet
that’s a classic
Presidential_Afro wrote
Reply to imo, nintendo's downfall took its biggest turn when they got rid of miiverse by hollyhoppet
miiverse deserved a console that people used like nintendo knows everyone like it because they remade it 4 splat 2. let miivere be free mario