Please enjoy Discord while it's still good | PC Gamer
pcgamer.comSubmitted by devtesla in killallgames
discord eating up so many communities, to the point where stuff that you used to be able to find online is stuck in an unindexed discord, is a shame
I have mixed feelings about this because while the sense of privacy on discord isn't really real and we are definitely losing out on stuff being archived and saved because of the lack of indexing, I don't think it's a full 100% unadulterated good for everything people say online to be search engine indexed either
People say that the problem with the contemporary internet is that the truth is paywalled and lies are free. True to an extent, but problem with contemporary googling is that answers are on Discord and the rest is Pinterest.
honestly i've been wondering when it's gonna take that turn for quite a while. kinda surprised it hasn't yet
Good news, it's here
I think about this a lot and it breaks my heart in advance, god
I wonder how much Discord would have to charge for it to remain good? I'd pay $3/mo for Discord to never change.
They're already making money with nitro, boosts, and the partnership program. they don't need to do this, but it's what investors want
Oh ya I mean more like, in the hypothetical scenario where they weren't driven by profit hungry infinite-growth jackals. What would be the break-even cost? $1? $2?
You don't need to pay anything, their business model is already stable. The people not paying are being covered by Nitro subscribers and various other deals they've made.
It's a sold business, but not one made for exponential growth which is why people get worried.
Oh huh, all this time I just assumed they were only being held afloat by ~investment dollars~ and whatnot.
Dogmantra wrote
can we please all just go back to forums when discord dies a death