Submitted by twovests in killallgames


A gamer turned adult, who is very busy. And yet, there are so many good games out there! They want a sampling of the best games, are a lil' casual, and don't care much for ~historical appreciation~. What do you recommend?

Here are some games that I recommend, mostly Nintendo.

Metroid Prime (~15 hours) (Trilogy version on the Wii is the best, by far.)

Breath of the Wild (~40 hours)

(OoT 3D or MM 3D are also very good 3D Zeldas (they play much better than the N64 versions). ~24h each.)

Undertale (~7 hours)

Environmental Station Alpha (if you really like Metroids) (~10 hours)

(For 2D Metroids, Zero Mission and Fusion are also very hood, around 8 hours each. Super Metroid is good but I don't like the controls.)

Super Mario Odyssey (~13 hours) (The most recent 3D Mario is probably a good recommendation.)

(Galaxy 2 is also good.)

Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (~16 hours) (I think it's the best-controlling 2D Zelda I've played.)

(Minish Cap is my second favorite top-down Zelda.)

There are so many good 2D Marios. Super Mario Maker or one of the portable "New SMB" are good and accessible.

Some non-Nintendo:

Assassin's Creed. (There are so many good ones with different playtimes. Brotherhood and Black Flag were my favorites, but if you just want a sampling of great games, you only need to play one.)

Halo. (Also a lot of good choices here, but only if you like runny gunny alien shooty. I haven't played 5.)

Doom (the old ones have a feeling that I still like today, but having played the new one, hooohoo oh boy wowie that's a fun game.)

Portal (both 1 and 2! ~3 hours and ~15 hours, respectively.) (If you really like it, there's a lot of great user-made games.)

Minecraft (it's very long and you don't necessarily beat it, but it's a different kind of fun game.)



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Caribou wrote

My games:

Dishonored 1&2 - these are the best games ever made

Binding of Isaac Rebirth - I have played this game for 600 hours and just recently got 100% of the achievments

Hotline Miami 1&2 - I love everything about these games. Although 1 is better than 2

Hearthstone - don't play this game it's bad. I've played it for too long though so I'm stuck. (I do still enjoy it but I can't imagine what an awful experience it would be to try it now as a new player)


twovests OP wrote (edited )

Hearthstone is pretty bad!

I loved YuGiOh and Pokemon as a kid, and Hearthstone let me relive a lot of that. But it's full of things meant to get you addicted and if you don't pay money / spend a lot of time on it, you will lose most of the games you play. At least with physical TCGs, you can make proxy cards and play with friends.


Moonside wrote (edited )

There's a pretty good community on Reddit, /r/patientgamers, that is all about visiting past gaming titles. It's probably a good idea to read a bit of their opinions before delving into a new game, you can find little tips and whether the game has actually aged well there. (Contemporary reviews can't tell that.)

The Secret of Monkey Island (c. 8-16 hours, idk lmao)

It's a pretty rare game in that it's genuinely humorous and is honestly really sweet. Guybrush Threepwood is just a boy who wants to be a pirate! And the game universe takes this seriously enough to set a tone that this is indeed a legitimate pursuit. It's pretty close to the ideal introduction to the adventure genre. If you hate it, you probably won't like the rest of them either. Some points in favor:

  1. There's a remastered edition that works on modern systems that lets you also choose old presentation. Secondly there's a great software that lets you play these old adventure games named ScummVM. You can actually play these on modern systems with minimal hassle!
  2. The first act is like a god tier tutorial into how the game systems work. Thus the real game gets to begin straight on and you don't need to consult shit like manuals and maps that were the norm for, say, really old school RPGs.
  3. It was so influential on graphic adventure games that if you enjoy it you can find plenty of similar titles.
  4. The biggest problem of adventure gaming, poor puzzle design, is mostly absent here. The creator wrote an essay on the topic and it shows.

EarthBound (c. 20 hours)

This game has sort of a weird reputation. There's too much emphasis on how bizarre and odd the game is in lieu of conveying what the point even is. On one level, it's one Japanese man's take on Americana and the way America sees the rest of the world. On others it's a game that is quite cognizant that it's a game (it's like anti-immersion), it's a growing up story, a road trip. It's pretty cool in how it uses game mechanics to convey characterization. It's sort of a mash up between science fiction and magical realism. I feel it's general viewpoint is like genuinely good and valuable. Some points:

  1. If you're aware of the general RPG mechanics, you get many of the meta aspects. No need to play other 8bit or 16bit RPGs before hand. It's imo the best 8 or 16 bit rpg so it makes a good enough introduction to them.
  2. The soundtrack is real solid and the graphics are solid among 16bit rpgs - I think people mistaked the art style for laziness, but it's clearly quite deliberate.
  3. One of the most famous boss fights in all of games.
  4. I honestly prefer the Blues Brothers parody to the original thing. They are a joy! The references the game does aren't just Family Guyesque jokes, there's some amount of respect for source material at play.
  5. It's not a difficult game and the battle system isn't very central. Which is good, because I don't think RPG battle systems are that interesting really. There's hardly any grinding in the game save for the first town.
  6. It was created by a non-gamer and honestly it shows positively.
  7. There's a good sequel Mother 3, if you like the game and want more Shigesato Itoi goodness. Actually Mother 1 is pretty good too.


This is perhaps the most dubious choice on this list. If someone knows a clearly superior roguelike, that's probably the thing to choose instead. You should totally read a whole lot of spoilers, it's how everyone plays the game.

Honorable yet possibly dubious mentions:

  1. The Incredible Machine was a great puzzle game back in the day. The task is to construct Rube Goldberg contraptions.
  2. Some GTA game. I've never finished any of these, but have played lots of four of them. Just driving around and doing random shit was fun enough on its own.
  3. One Civilization-like game is totally worth a try. My favorite is Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. It's one of those titles where the whole is better than the sum of its parts. After a planetfall, competing ideologies group into factions and duke it out for survival on a hostile planet. Curiously there's also a plot to this game that plays out to completion if you manage to transcend to the next level of being, that is, the technology victory. Also a shout out to when game covers were cool: 1, 2
  4. Canabalt. An infinite runner web game that was incredible back in 2009. It's a good example how simple a good game can be yet use setting, audio and graphics to great effect. You can sense the hopelessness and desperation (and feel these yourself) as you play the game, but the game has no lore (thank god).

What I should try out

Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 are the biggest gaming omissions that I probably should get around to play. I watched a hbomberguy video dunking on Fallout 3 and the man came hard in favor of the earlier titles.

Xcoms and Jagged Alliance 2.

Rocket League is a lot of fun.


Moonside wrote

I mean they're gamers so some bad takes are to be expected, my most controversial comment on Reddit ever has been saying that video game review judgments shouldn't be taken as objective. But honestly the chill tone helps a lot compared to other gaming boards.


Dogmantra wrote

in no particular order:

  • a dark souls: yeah they have a rep for being really unfriendly, but I think that's partly because you kind of need to learn how to enjoy them, but if you do "get" them, they're really satisfying. I'd recommend 2 because it's the most accessible (and it's the best, forget the haters) but I've heard bloodborne is also very good. Probably a try before you buy situation though because if you don't get them, you don't get them. Each one usually lasts about 20-30 hours in my experience.

  • Dead Cells: it's just a really fast and fun 2d action platformer with really slick combat, lovely art and just a general good time. It's one of those "roguelikes" the kids have nowadays so no real "completion", but you can play it in very short bursts or for longer. I'd also probably suggest Risk of Rain and Enter the Gungeon for similar feelings, they're all very very good, but Dead Cells is probably my fave and I'd be doubling up on games that fill a very similar role.

  • Shadowrun: Dragonfall is the best single player story based videogame in existence. Shadowrun is one of my favourite settings, and it's one of the very few RPGs I've come across that does difficult moral choices correctly: a lot of the time it's whether you want to do a shady thing or not get paid, but it works well. And a lot of the time doing the nice thing makes your job a lot harder. Takes maybe 15 - 20 hours? Idk because when I finished it the first time I immediately started a new save and began playing again.

  • Gotcha Force: this is a rare 2003-ish gamecube game and there's a reason it commands pretty high prices on places like ebay. It's a really fun and cute arena shooty type game where you collect toy-sized robots and have them fight. I love it! Takes about 12-16 hours to finish a playthrough, there are 8 different playthroughs with slightly different story bits and pieces, and the collection aspect can keep you going for years if you fancy.

  • Audiosurf: I prefer the original over 2, but it's just a fun and relaxing game that I play a lot when I want to listen to music more than just background noise but also do something at the same time. No playthrough time, you use your own songs. It's great and I've been playing it for like a decade at this point.

  • battlerite: just, the best videogame ever made. it's a top down 2v2 or 3v3 arena game with vaguely moba-esque gameplay stripped right down to just fights. I love it.

  • dawngate: rip :(