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twovests OP wrote (edited )

eugh we're on the same side, but this just reminds me of why i don't visit raddle. this masterlist sucks

to be clear without irony: i can't vote for joe biden, and facts and logic don't dictate you should vote for him. but this masterlist sucks lol

(my "joe biden facts and logic" full post goes into the philosophy of thought, acknowledging humans can't have all the facts and logic, and so much rely on modeling uncertainty, thinking epistemologically, and using heuristics. the conclusion is that if voting for joe biden causes bile to raise up your throat, you shouldn't vote for him.

but thats meandering and not a good post so i didnt post it. used 1600 words when "voting for joe biden makes me puke" is enough)

anyways. the list

the very first link is republican propaganda! it's a "GOP War Room" youtube video that cuts him off mid sentence to make the b it juicy. (30 years ago, biden said "what happens to haiti doesn't impact us national interests, even if it started levitating or sinking." the gross part is the first bit, but it focuses on the "levitating or sinking" bit.)

and the republican propaganda is not even the worst part!

it's disingenuous to pretend the biden admin's actions regarding lgbt people, students, labor, etc. are (1) not significantly better than the trump admin, or (2) even comparable to supporting genocide or putting children in cages.

the "Student?" one is the worst part. student loan forgiveness is the brightest point in the biden admin. they tried to get $10K/student relieved, and fought it all the way to the supreme court. they've done everything else they can do short of packing the courts, and they've forgiven like $10 billion in student loans so far, as well as forgiving interest and making repayments easier.

this is on the same list that (correctly) points out how important joe biden is to the ongoing genocide machine.

i think this lesser-evilism thing is self-defeating. "lesser evilism" is just compromise, and i'm compromising when i ally with the kind of people who make these kinds of lists. (but to be clear, i'm not allied with the OP. from their post history, i think they'd qualify half of jstpst as white supremacists)

tldr: joe biden sucks but i dont want to be facebook about it