Submitted by flabberghaster in just_post
flabberghaster OP wrote
It'd look normal to us because we'd be used to it
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
Yeah but to aliens we'd look weird.
Dogmantra wrote
I actually saw a documentary about this and we're actually very attractive to aliens. I think it was called something like mess effect?
Dogmantra wrote
so you can paint your toenails
devtesla wrote
they help you keep balance while walking. toes are good
flabberghaster OP wrote
maybe theres a better way
devtesla wrote
No!! I don't think so!!!
Fangren wrote
easier evolutionarily to just keep the toes than to get rid of them.
emma wrote (edited )
you might not be able to handle the truth:
they're sexy
flabberghaster OP wrote
hollyhoppet wrote
you ever see a gonk droid walk? that's why we have toes
___ wrote
so you can ask why we have toes
neku wrote
i think your foot would look fucked up without them