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neku wrote

i dont even remember windows 7


no1nose wrote

do u mean contemporary computers. the modern era was like a century ago


twovests wrote

if you can, i highly recommend switching to linux. i'd recommend ubuntu or an ubuntu derivative

"year of the linux desktop" is a meme, and it's actually gotten harder to install on a lot of hardware, but videogames actually mostly work

i started using ubuntu from 10 years ago and man it's so much more enjoyable to be on ubuntu than on windows

i know "haha just get linux" is a meme but, like, windows 11 is still coming


Dogmantra OP wrote

no, I'm using modern in the colloquial sense meaning relating to the present, I am aware that this makes me a hypocrite because I have the same problem with people using the word ancient.


Dogmantra OP wrote

Unfortunately fully 90% of my problem with windows 10 is that I've been using windows 7 on my home pc for coming up to a decade and a half, and I hate change. Changing to linux would also be change and therefore I would hate it. I'm sorry :(


Dogmantra OP wrote

do you remember when the operating system that you paid for and owned did not advertise products to you while you were trying to quietly use your computer? that is the windows 7 experience compared to the windows 10 experience.


twovests wrote

absolutely valid! linux also sucks in a lot of ways so you're not losing much

hopefully windows 12 doesn't suck and you can go from 10 to 12 without a problem at least?


toasthaste wrote

really wish I'd stuck with 7 forever tbh


Dogmantra OP wrote

yeah, me too. I feel like 7 was really the best time for tech, and it felt so familiar moving from XP to 7

I would still be using 7 now if it wasn't for the fact that I had in the past week started getting random audio crashes that require a complete restart to fix, happening anywhere as frequently as every 15 minutes... new hardware just doesn't support 7 now and it's a real shame because I liked it. Thankfully the free upgrade to windows 10 legit still works, so the last time I paid for windows is still the OEM copy of 7 I got with my computer I had at 13.


emma wrote

you used to be able to escape the ads and bullshit by installing a retail copy, though. not anymore. in the current version of windows 10, you aren't even allowed to disable sending your start menu searches to bing without manually changing the registry.


twovests wrote

God it was so bad. WSL and WSL2 are Microsoft's desparate attempts to court developers who realize how much better Linux and Mac are for developing anything, but instead it just gives people the impression "Ubuntu sucks and is slow" which is probably just as good.

Maybe 2022 will be the year of WSL