If you've ever been right about something in real life, but nobody listened to you, this post is your opportunity to flex about how right you were. Don't be shy, go ahead and F L E X on those haters
missingno wrote
In 2021 I wrote a long essay about how several terrible publisher decisions were killing my favorite game. While some people agreed with what I had to say, I got quite a lot of backlash, including a few people with power and influence in the scene who bullied me into quitting.
Last year I broke my silence to put out a followup video essay about how the passage of time proved me 200% correct. FUCK YOU I WAS RIGHT.
cute_spider wrote
oh my gosh is that your voice?
missingno wrote
that me
hollyhoppet wrote (edited )
Hey BRYCE? NSString properties are supposed to declared with copy access semantics instead of retain. Since NSMutableString is subclass of NSString, the property could be mutable under the hood!
Also I know I'm going past flexing here and I haven't talked to you in like ten years but FUCK YOU for writing a steam review that says pacific drive has "unnecessary ideological symbols." I'll put a trans pride sticker on my in-game station wagon and be happy the option is there. Consider yourself unfriended.
cowloom OP wrote (edited )
Back in college, I was taking an ethics class, and one day we were going over Marx (yeah, I don't know why he came up in ethics class, either). The professor made a mistake in explaining one part of his philosophy, and I raised my hand to correct her. I don't remember exactly what it was about, since this was over ten years ago, but she told me I was wrong, and not to interrupt her class. Well, a couple days later, I showed her a quote from Marx himself setting the record straight (in rather harsh language - what can I say, it's Marx), because several people had the same misconception in his day. This made her even more irate. Another student later tried persuading me to apologize to her, but I wasn't having it. Nobody ever acknowledged that I was right, so in spite of that, check out this flex, Dr. Wrong!
Edit: I just remembered another one. In a former programming job of mine, I was arguing with my boss over one piece of code. I said that the code wouldn't run, and he said that it would. So, I ran the script, and it threw an error, as I expected. It wasn't that difficult to understand; I think a computer science student could have understood why it wouldn't work. But, I chose to act meek, and say, "Huh, looks like it threw an error." But now that I don't work there anymore, I can confidently say, "Error: Variable manager_intelligence not found."
cute_spider wrote
flabberghaster wrote
nomorepie wrote
(Omg. So. Not so much as a flex, but as an airing of a deep childhood wound, but) Fuck you, Judit, I did not borrow money from you! It's not my problem that you handed out all your pocket money cos everyone forgot theirs and wanted to buy ice cream at the top of the mountain! I didn't! Everyone else and even the teachers sided with you cos they all thought I was a little freak and they hated me but I was innocent!