twovests OP wrote
What's sup?
oolong wrote
not much, you?
(this is a multi level joke comment wherein what's sup is elided into what's up. sup is a verb and the superior way to spell soup. ask me what's updog)
hollyhoppet wrote
did you get your wisdom teeth out or something?
twovests OP wrote
Progresso recently announced "Soup Drops: Soup you can Suck On". Today was the release day:
I'm consumeposting >:)
hollyhoppet wrote
how is this not a joke....
cute_spider wrote
How is updog?
cute_spider wrote
wait shit I ruined it
oolong wrote
we moved him to a farm upstate
twovests OP wrote
I think its success as a product is because it's inherently funny, and juuuust interesting enough.
I really hate that this exists
nomorepie wrote
This was a candy in Wonka's factory! What da hell
nomorepie wrote
It's a Sugondese expression
oolong wrote (edited )
you mean sup?
(this is a multi level joke comment combining sup, the verb, and sup, the superior way to spell soup. ask me what's sup)