Submitted by skookin in just_post

i like to scrub the front door step, do cleaning projects around my house, bring in some kind of decorative greenery from the yard, maybe have a ritual "burn your old mail and sad thoughts" fire, etc.

my mom likes to eat cabbage bc its supposed to bring good vibes. there used to be a midnight parade in my neighborhood that she loved where an old guy played "auld lang syne" on the bagpipes while ppl set off fireworks, but after he died i don't think they do it anymore :(



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I_got_killed_one_time wrote (edited )

for the past two or three years ive gone and blasted death grips in the tesco car park.

the first year i think i interrupted a couple doing Some thing becuase when i started, a car lit up and very quickly peeled away, and im pretty sure the guy behind the wheel scowled at me more fiercely than any mad animal ive seen



Rest in peace bagpipe fella, that's a real shame :(

I usually find somewhere to cry-sing Last Song by Jason Webley as the year turns. Just my little ward against despair.

My stepdad always makes black-eyed peas, collard greens, and cornbread. I am not southern, so it's never really something I've done, but those foods are all great. Maybe I should.


oolong wrote

i post a meme about it being december 32. also i change my sheets and try to sweep before new year


nomorepie wrote

In Hungarian folklore we are not supposed to sweep on new year's eve because we'll sweep away good fortune. We eat lentils cos it resembles coin = money. On new year's day the first person to wish you a happy new year ought to be a man. There's loads more but I don't remember, I'll ask my mom because she knows a lot of superstitions like this.