Recent comments in /f/FiftyFiftyAdvice

rain wrote

I was being goofy.

It’s really hard to estimate with any precision, but there is roughly an order of magnitude more windows desktops than there are servers and routers combined. If you use “trusted” to mean “relied on for” (even if the people doing so feel they shouldn’t be), then I think by the numbers windows is “trusted” more than any non-mobile platform.

But my original comment was still wrong because of mobile, which would make android the most “trusted” OS.

oh well lol


nomorepie wrote

This unfortunately did not work for me, I have two socks of the same material and style that I bought at the same time, but due to the uneven frequency of wearing and washing them, they ended up being different textures, and then I lost one half of a pair and couldn't use the remaining half with the other pair :(


nomorepie wrote (edited )

I leave a few of these mailing lists running just so if I need a coupon code to buy something from them I'll have it handy but god, they come every day! And clogs up my emails like crazy so having to go in and delete them feels sisyphean and makes me hate the brand low-key even if it's a store I bought from before and liked