Dreamt that I was stuck on some bus in Belfast (I have never been to Belfast, I just knew in the dream it was Belfast) and we were on it for hours and some guy was eating pizza and I asked him about it and he gave me the number for a place that will deliver it and the people on the bus said to just ask for it to be delivered to "the number six" and they'll know which bus stop to bring it to but the guy on the phone had no idea what I was talking about or where to bring the pizza and the phone line kept breaking and I had to hold down a button continuously to be able to hear them like some weird reverse walkie-talkie.
I've had a shortcut set up in my terminal with months to automatically change the default branch name to "main" when making a new git repo so yeah I'm in favour of this
git init; and git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/main
then click into your bundle purchase. Then on that page click on the download button next to the game you want. That will take you to the download page but you don't need to actually download any files. Once you go to the download page itself it'll show up in your library and you can install it with the itch client instead.
I have had so little times for games but I the bundle contains some great stuff I've already played.
Celeste is in there now which I don't think I needs any introduction.
Extreme Meatpunks Forever is a great game with visual novel scenes interspersed with killing nazis using mechs made of meat.
Lenna's Inception is a neat little game that tries to be "what if Zelda had randomly a procedurally generated world?" The answer is sadly "it would be like Zelda but a bit shit" but it does have some genuinely original and wonderful mechanics and moments that make it worth the lackluster random worlds. Sadly a lot of what's great is at the very end of the game. And also most of what's great is the bits that aren't random. I'd honestly love if it got revamped into a single "canon" campaign that was as well designed as the rest of the non-random stuff. It is also a tad edgy, though not as much as it was in the beta version :P
PICO-8 not a game but a wonderful little "fantasy console"/virtual machine designed around providing a friendly, cosy environment to play, share and make games. Has a built in game explorer to download stuff people have already made. The original version of Celeste was made in this.
Butterflies. It's a indie Jet Set Radio basically. Just one map so far. Guy who was making it hung out in the just post discord for a while but some stuff happened. I hope people don't mind me mentioning it.
Dominique Pamplemousse. Short little musical claymation point and click adventure games somewhat about the genders. There's two games and both are in the bundle.
Stuff that's in this that I think seems cool that I have not gotten around to playing: Overland, Night in the Woods, Minit, Secret Little Haven, KIDS, OneShot, SAI, A Normal Lost Phone, Oxenfree, Dujanah
I was expecting them to solve the seed issue by just saving and loading considering he said the seed is set to the same thing every time the console is started
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to i'm having the wildest dreams while my body's adjusting to quitting caffeine by hollyhoppet
Dreamt that I was stuck on some bus in Belfast (I have never been to Belfast, I just knew in the dream it was Belfast) and we were on it for hours and some guy was eating pizza and I asked him about it and he gave me the number for a place that will deliver it and the people on the bus said to just ask for it to be delivered to "the number six" and they'll know which bus stop to bring it to but the guy on the phone had no idea what I was talking about or where to bring the pizza and the phone line kept breaking and I had to hold down a button continuously to be able to hear them like some weird reverse walkie-talkie.